Materials Engineering | College of Engineering | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Materials Engineering Department faculty specialize in complementary research areas: development of polymers designed for sustainability, product design using ceramics, energy storage of batteries and supercapacitors, improvement of learning through visual representation, computation modeling and simulation, application of conductive composites and additive manufacturing.

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Submissions from 2001


On the Frequency and Causes of Academic Dishonesty Among Engineering Students, Trevor S. Harding


Useful Approaches to Preventing Academic Dishonesty in the Classroom, Trevor S. Harding


The Current State of Research on Academic Dishonesty Among Engineering Students, Trevor S. Harding, Donald D. Carpenter, Susan M. Montgomery, and Nicholas H. Steneck


Evaluation of a Threshold-Based Model of the Elevated-Temperature Fatique of Impact-Damaged γ-TiAl, Trevor S. Harding and J. Wayne Jones


ASEE Student Chapters: From Student Members to Faculty, Jennifer Kadlowec, Kurt DeGoede, Trevor S. Harding, and Christian Lorenz


Heat Treatment of Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys, Thomas J. Kelly, Michael J. Weimer, Curtiss M. Austin, Blair London, Donald E. Larson Jr., and Dean A. Wheeler


Method and Apparatus for Adaptive Process Control of Critical Dimensions During Spin Coating Process, Richard N. Savage and Emir Gurer


Plasma Deposition of Spin Chucks to Reduce Contamination of Silicon Wafers, Richard N. Savage, Emir Gurer, and Ed C. Lee


The Foundation Series on Corrosion: Integrating Science, Math, Engineering & Technology in a Lab Setting, Linda Vanasupa, Heather Smith, Blair London, Katherine C. Chen, David Niebuhr, Lanny Griffin, and Jeff Jones

Submissions from 1999


Training Graduate Student Instructors Effectively: The University of Michigan Model, Trevor S. Harding


Behavior of Gamma TiAl Subjected to Impact Damage and Elevated Temperature Fatigue, Trevor S. Harding and J. Wayne Jones


Room Temperature Fatique Response of γ-TiAl to Impact Damage, Trevor S. Harding, J. Wayne Jones, P. S. Steif, and T. M. Pollock


Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on the Low Temperature Properties of the NbCr2 Laves Phase, Dan J. Thoma, Chu Fuming, Katherine C. Chen, Paul G. Kotula, Terence E. Mitchell, John M. Wills, Alim Ormeci, Shao Ping Chen, and Robert C. Albers

Submissions from 1998


Factors Affecting the Room-Temperature Mechanical Properties of TiCr2-Base Laves Phase Alloys, Katherine C. Chen, Samuel M. Allen, and James D. Livingston


Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Two-Phase Alloys Based on NbCr2, Katherine C. Chen, Paul G . Kotula, Carl M. Cady, Michael E. Mauro, and Dan J. Thoma


The Effects of Beryllium Additions on the Oxidation of Nickel Aluminide and Titanium Aluminide Based Intermetallics, R. H. Hanrahan Jr., Katherine C. Chen, and M. P. Brady


Promoting Excellence in Education with an Outstanding Student Instructor Award Program, Jennifer Kadlowec, Justin Shriver, Trevor S. Harding, and Charles Choi


Defects and Site Occupancies in Nb-Cr-Ti C15 Laves Phase Alloys, P. G. Kotula, C. B. Carter, Katherine C. Chen, Dan J. Thoma, F. Chu, and T. E. Mitchell

Submissions from 1997


Formation of a Metastable BCC Solid Solution and Decomposition to a C15 Laves Phase in Melt-Spun CrNb10Ti10, Katherine C. Chen, P. G. Kotula, F. Chu, and Dan J. Thoma


Orientation Relationships in the System Nb-NbCr2, P. G. Kotula, Katherine C. Chen, Dan J. Thoma, F. Chu, and T. E. Mitchell