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Published in Proceedings of the 2001 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition: Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 24, 2001.
NOTE: At the time of publication, the author Trevor Harding was not yet affiliated with Cal Poly.
According to studies of self-reported academic dishonesty conducted over time, cheating among college students has been on the increase since at least the 1940’s. This is especially true for engineering students who are now among the most likely to cheat compared to other disciplines. This paper will present a synopsis of the literature on academic dishonesty. In addition, the results of a pilot study on cheating among engineering students conducted at a small mid-western private engineering school are described. Engineering students in an introductory engineering materials course were asked to complete a survey on their perceptions of cheating; therefore, all results are self-reported. The goal of the pilot study is to establish student attitudes about what does and what does not constitute cheating and the frequency of student cheating. In addition, the pilot study was intended to help the researchers identify best practices for conducting a more complete research project. The overall objective of the research is to establish usable approaches for faculty to curtail the pressure to cheat which engineering students may feel.
Materials Science and Engineering
2001, American Society for Engineering Education. Publisher website:
Number of Pages