"ASEE Student Chapters: From Student Members to Faculty" by Jennifer Kadlowec, Kurt DeGoede et al.


The University of Michigan Student Chapter of the American Society for Engineering Education has grown from a small core group of founding members, who organized panel discussions for the graduate student community, into a flourishing student organization, which continues to grow in membership and events. The purpose of this paper is to promote graduate student chapters of the ASEE and demonstrate the positive impact that student member participation has had, particularly for those who have recently entered academia. Many events and activities of the University of Michigan Student Chapter of the American Society for Engineering Education (UM-ASEE Student Chapter) will be highlighted. The events range from brown bag lunches, panel discussions and student instructor awards to distinguished lectures, workshops and participation in the ASEE Annual Conferences. The benefits of the events along with the leadership and networking opportunities for students are discussed from the perspective of current student members and recent graduates, who are now college faculty. The chapter events and opportunities are provided as suggestions that other ASEE Student Chapters or similar student organizations may benefit from as well.


Materials Science and Engineering

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