Materials Engineering | College of Engineering | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Materials Engineering Department faculty specialize in complementary research areas: development of polymers designed for sustainability, product design using ceramics, energy storage of batteries and supercapacitors, improvement of learning through visual representation, computation modeling and simulation, application of conductive composites and additive manufacturing.

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Submissions from 2003


How We Learned to Love the Phase Diagram with a Ti-Cr Alloy Characterization Lab, Katherine C. Chen


NiTi - Magic or Phase Transformation?, Katherine C. Chen


Physical Metallurgy: Providing Unifying Principles in Diverse Areas of Materials Engineering, Katherine C. Chen and Vilupanur A. Ravi


Students' Perceptions of Both the Certainty and the Deterrent Effect of Potential Consequences of Cheating, Cynthia J. Finelli, Trevor S. Harding, Donald D. Carpenter, and Honor J. Passow


An Examination of the Relationship Between Academic Dishonesty and Professional Behavior, Trevor S. Harding, Honor J. Passow, Donald D. Carpenter, and Cynthia J. Finelli


Formation and Growth of Intermetallics around Metallic Particles in Eutectic Sn-Ag Solder, J. G. Lee, Katherine C. Chen, and K. N. Subrmanian


Structural and Diffusional Effects of Hydrogen in TiNi, Alan R. Pelton, Christine Trépanier, Xiao-Yan Gong, Andreas Wick, and Katherine C. Chen


Effects of Intermetallic Morphology at the Metallic Particle/Solder Interface on Mechanical Properties of Sn-Ag-Based Solder Joints, H. Rhee, F. Guo, J. G. Lee, Katherine C. Chen, and K. N. Subramanian


Semiconductor Wafer Processing System With Vertically-Stacked Process Chambers and Single-Axis Dual-Wafer Transfer System, Richard N. Savage, Frank S. Menagh, Helder R. Carvalheira, Philip A. Troiani, Dan L. Cossentine, Eric R. Vaughan, and Bruce E. Mayer

Submissions from 2002


P.A.C.E.S. - A Study on Academic Integrity Among Engineering Undergraduates (Preliminary Conclusions), Donald D. Carpenter, Trevor S. Harding, Susan M. Montgomery, and Nicholas H. Steneck


Student Perceptions of Institutional and Instructor Based Techniques for Dealing with Academic Dishonesty, Donald D. Carpenter, Trevor S. Harding, Susan M. Montgomery, Nicholas H. Steneck, and Eric Dey


Damage Accumulation Under Repeated Reverse Stressing of Sn-Ag Solder Joints, Katherine C. Chen, A. Telang, J. G. Lee, and K. N. Subramanian


Phase Changes in Ni-Ti Under Laser Shock Loading, R. E. Hackenberg, D. C. Swift, J. C. Cooley, Katherine C. Chen, D. J. Thoma, D. L. Paisley, and A. Hauer


A Comparison of the Role of Academic Dishonesty Policies of Several Colleges on the Cheating Behavior of Engineering and Pre-Engineering Students, Trevor S. Harding, Donald D. Carpenter, Susan M. Montgomery, and Nicholas H. Steneck


Suggestions for Establishing Centers for Engineering Education, Trevor S. Harding and Cynthia J. Finelli


Fatigue Thresholds of Cracks Resulting from Impact Damage to γ-TiAl, Trevor S. Harding and J. Wayne Jones


Integrating Manufacturing, Design and Teamwork into a Materials and Process Selection Course, Trevor S. Harding, G. Y. Lai, B. L. Tuttle, and C. V. White


The Effect of Alloying on the Properties of (Nb, Ti)Cr2 C15 Laves Phases, Dan J. Thoma, K. A. Nibur, Katherine C. Chen, J. C. Cooley, L. B. Dauelsberg, W. L. Hults, and Paul G. Kotula

Submissions from 2001


HfCo2 Laves Phase Intermetallics - Part II: Elastic and Mechanical Properties as a Function of Composition, Katherine C. Chen, Fuming Chu, Paul G. Kotula, and Dan Thoma


HfCo2 Laves Phas Intermetallics - part I: Solubility Limits and Defect Mechanisms, Katherine C. Chen, Eric J. Peterson, and Dan J. Thoma