"The Effects of Beryllium Additions on the Oxidation of Nickel Aluminid" by R. H. Hanrahan Jr., Katherine C. Chen et al.


The effects of Be additions on the oxidation behavior of β-NiAl in moist air at 1000°C and borderline alumina-forming y (TiAI) + Laves Ti-Al-Cr based alloys at 800°C and 1000°C in dry and moist air were investigated. The addition of Be to β-NiAl suppressed the formation of transient alumina, and resulted in the formation of a protective BeAl2O4 spinel phase. In dry air, the addition of Be to the Ti-AI-Cr alloys also resulted in the formation of a protective BeAl2O4 spinel phase. In moist air, only Ti-AlCr- Be alloys with a high Cr content (10 to 15 a/o) formed the protective BeAl24scale.


Materials Science and Engineering

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