Aerospace Engineering | College of Engineering | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Aerospace Engineering Department faculty actively collaborate with internationally and domestically recognized aerospace industry partners. Faculty research promotes innovation and transformation within the discipline. Faculty serve in collaborative and advisory roles supporting numerous student-led research projects, including those supporting NASA programs.

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Submissions from 2011


A Meshless Finite Difference Scheme for Compressible Potential Flows, Alejandro Ramos and Robert A. McDonald

Submissions from 2010


A Three Dimensional Vortex Particle-Panel Method for Modeling Propulsion-Airframe Interaction, Jacob S. Calabretta and Robert A. McDonald


Aerodynamics of a Supersonic Projectile in Proximity to a Solid Surface, Graham Doig, Tracie Barber, Eddie Leonardi, Andrew J. Neely, and Harald Kleine


Improved Geometry Modeling for High Fidelity Parametric Design, James R. Gloudemans and Robert A. McDonald


Design and Performance of Circulation Control Flap Systems, Rory M. Golden and David D. Marshall


Conceptual Design of a Next Generation, 150 Passenger Commercial Transport, Ryan Halper, Kevin Lane, Dustin Marschik, Brett Morham, John Pham, Robert A. McDonald, and Bruce Wright


Towards Efficient Viscous Modeling Based on Cartesian Methods for Automated Flow Simulation, Patrick Hu, Hongwu Zhao, Ramji Kamakoti, Nagendra Dittakavi, Liping Xue, Kan Ni, Shaolin Mao, David D. Marshall, and Michael Aftosmis


Design and Wind Tunnel Testing of Cal Poly's AMELIA 10 Foot Span Hybrid Wing-Body Low Noise Cestol Aircraft, Kristina K. Jameson, David D. Marshall, Robert Ehrmann, Eric Paciano, Rory Golden, and Dave Mason


Assessment of Sting Effect on X-31 Aircraft Model Using CFD, Adam Jirásek and Russell M. Cummings


Improved Methodologies for Maneuver Design of Aircraft Stability and Control Simulations, Adam Jirásek, Tiger L. Jeans, Mathew Martenson, Russell M. Cummings, and Keith Bergeron


Inverse Airfoil Design Utilizing CST Parameterization, Kevin A. Lane and David D. Marshall


Lift Superposition and Aerodynamic Twist Optimization for Achieving Desired Lift Distributions, Kevin A. Lane, David D. Marshall, and Robert A. McDonald


Computational and Experimental Comparison of a Powered Lift, Upper Surface Blowing Configuration, Jay Marcos and David D. Marshall


Improved Computational and Experimental Validation Using Different Turbulence Models, Jay Marcos and David D. Marshall


Overview of Recent Circulation Control Modeling Activities at Cal Poly, David D. Marshall and Kristina K. Jameson


Mission Performance as Point Performance, Robert A. McDonald


Designing a Green Aircraft: Cal Poly's 2009 Undergraduate Aircraft Designs, Robert A. McDonald and Bruce Wright


Conceptual Design of an Environmentally Responsible 150-Passenger Commercial Aircraft, Natalie R. Smith, Bryan Blessing, James Dixon, Allen Mackey, Gregory McKenzie, Robert A. McDonald, and Bruce Wright


Assessing the v2-f Turbulence Models for Circulation Control Applications, Travis M. Storm and David D. Marshall


Parameter Estimation of Fundamental Technical Aircraft Information Applied to Aircraft Performance, Mike Vallone and Robert A. McDonald

Submissions from 2009


A User Friendly Interface for Gaussian Process Metamodeling, Collin R. Baukol, Robert A. McDonald, and Nicholas Delmas


Using CFD as a Design Tool on New Innovative Airliner Configurations, Bryan H. Blessing, John Pham, and David D. Marshall


John McMasters’Contributions to Aircraft Design Education, Russell M. Cummings


Decades of Innovation in Aircraft Design Education, Russell M. Cummings, David W. Hall, and Doral R. Sandlin


Numerical Solutions for the VFE-2 Configuration on Unstructured Grids at USAFA, United States, Russell M. Cummings and Andreas Schϋtte