Aerospace Engineering | College of Engineering | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Aerospace Engineering Department faculty actively collaborate with internationally and domestically recognized aerospace industry partners. Faculty research promotes innovation and transformation within the discipline. Faculty serve in collaborative and advisory roles supporting numerous student-led research projects, including those supporting NASA programs.

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Submissions from 2014


Computational simulation of an altitude adaptive nozzle concept, K. Schomberg, G. Doig, and J. Olsen

Submissions from 2013


Enabling Rapid Conceptual Design Using Geometry-Based Multi-Fidelity Models in VSP, Joel B. Belben and Robert A. McDonald


Influence of wing span on the aerodynamics of wings in ground effect, Sammy Diasinos, Tracie J. Barber, and Graham Doig


Interaction of a Shock Tube Exhaust Flow with a Non-pre-mixed Flame, Graham Doig, Zebulan Johnson, and Rachel Mann


Solar Energy Collection Analysis Tool for Conceptual Aircraft Design, Grant M. Glazebrook and Robert A. McDonald


Cal Poly's AMELIA 10 Foot Span Hybrid Wing-Body Low Noise CESTOL Aircraft Wing Tunnel Test and Experimental Results Overview, Kristina K. Jameson, David D. Marshall, Robert Ehrmann, Jonathon A. Lichtwardt, Eric N. Paciano, Robert J. Englar, and William C. Hornes


STOL Performance of Cal Poly's AMELIA, Johnathan A. Lichtwardt, Eric N. Paciano, David D. Marshall, and Kristina K. Jameson


Creating Exact Bezier Representations of CST Shapes, David D. Marshall


Electric Motor Modeling for Conceptual Aircraft Design, Robert A. McDonald


Establishing Mission Requirements Based on Consideration of Aircraft Operations, Robert A. McDonald


Flow Uniformity Calibration of AMELIA's Circulation Control Wings, Eric N. Paciano, Johnathan A. Lichtwardt, David D. Marshall, Kristina K. Jameson, and Robert K. Fong