"Flow Uniformity Calibration of AMELIA's Circulation Control Wings" by Eric N. Paciano, Johnathan A. Lichtwardt et al.


This paper details the extensive effort required to achieve uniform now from the AMELIA wind tunnel model's circulation control wings. Performed in September of 2011 in the Fluid Mechanics Lab at NASA Ames Research Center, the calibration required a 500hp instrument-quality air compressor capable of delivering 250 CFM at pressures greater than 70 psL It was found that the geometery within AMELIA's circulation control supply plenums produced highly vortlcal flow, resulting in poor circulation control performance as measured by traversing external and stationary internal total pressure probes, as well as surface oil now. Adjustments were made within AMELIA to the supply conditions of each plenum including internal butterfly valve position, model inlet pressure, and total volume flow rate delivered to the model. Each plenum was further modified with a treatment of metal foam and various other materials including perforated plates, metal barriers, and Rigimesh material. The combination of metal foam and densly woven Rigimesh resulted in uniform spanwise now at acceptable plenum pressures.


Aerospace Engineering



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