Aerospace Engineering | College of Engineering | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Aerospace Engineering Department faculty actively collaborate with internationally and domestically recognized aerospace industry partners. Faculty research promotes innovation and transformation within the discipline. Faculty serve in collaborative and advisory roles supporting numerous student-led research projects, including those supporting NASA programs.

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Submissions from 2007


The Happy Accidents of Teaching Aircraft Design, David W. Hall and Russell M. Cummings


The Role of Error in the Conceptual Design of a Transport Aircraft, Robert A. McDonald


High Resolution Simulation of Full Aircraft Control at Flight Reynolds Numbers, Scott A. Morton, James R. Forsythe, David R. McDaniel, Keith Bergeron, Russell M. Cummings, Stefan Goertz, Jurgen Seidel, and Kyle D. Squires


F- 16XL Unsteady Simulations for the CAWAPI Facet of RTO Task Group AVT- 113, Scott A. Morton, David R. McDaniel, and Russell M. Cummings


Comparison of DES and URANS for Unsteady Vortical Flows over Delta Wings, L. A. Shiavetta, K. J. Badcock, and Russell M. Cummings

Submissions from 2006


Critical Hypersonic Aerothermodynamic Phenomena, John J. Bertin and Russell M. Cummings


Numerical Evaluation of the Flowfield for a High Fineness Ratio Body with Drag Brakes, Russell M. Cummings, James A. Divine, Thomas R. Yechout, David C. Wetlesen, and Joseph J. Kealos


Continuing Evolution of Aerodynamic Concept Development Using Collaborative Numerical and Experimental Evaluations, Russell M. Cummings and Scott A. Morton


Experiences in Accurately Predicting Time-Dependent Flows, Russell M. Cummings, Scott A. Morton, and David R. McDaniel


Experimental Evaluation of a High Fineness Ratio Body with Drag Brakes, Corey J. Florendo, Thomas R. Yechout, Stefan Siegel, Russell M. Cummings, and Joseph Kealos


Experimental Evaluation of a High Fineness Ratio Body With Drag Brakes, Corey J. Florendo, Thomas R. Yechout, Stefan G. Siegel, Russell M. Cummings, and Joseph Kealos


Investigation of Particle-in-Cell Acceleration Techniques for Plasma Simulations, David D. Marshall and Douglas B. VanGilder


Error Allocation in Complex Systems Design, Robert A. McDonald


The Influence of Viscosity and Surface Curvature on the Pressure Distribution of a Stream Thrust Probe, Renee Pasman and Russell M. Cummings

Submissions from 2005


Performance of a New CFD Flow Solver Using a Hybrid Programming Paradigm, M. J. Berger, M. J. Aftosmis, D. D. Mashall, and S. M. Murman


DES Turbulence Modeling on the C-130 Comparison between Computational and Experimental Results, Malcom P. Claus, Scott A. Morton, Russell M. Cummings, and Yannick Bury


Technology and You: Working with the Aerospace Industry to Enhance Engineering Education, Russell M. Cummings and John H. McMasters


Computational Aerodynamics Goes To School: A Course in CFD for Undergraduate Students, Russell M. Cummings and Scott A. Morton


Experimental Verification of the Aerodynamics of Stream Thrust Probes, Robert S. Hiers III, James R. Sirbaugh, Capt Barrett T. McCann, Russell M. Cummings, Cadet Laura S. Luft, and Cadet Dimitrios P. Grillos


Deformation of Unstructured Viscous Grids, Denis B. Kholodar, Scott A. Morton, and Russell M. Cummings