Aerospace Engineering | College of Engineering | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Aerospace Engineering Department faculty actively collaborate with internationally and domestically recognized aerospace industry partners. Faculty research promotes innovation and transformation within the discipline. Faculty serve in collaborative and advisory roles supporting numerous student-led research projects, including those supporting NASA programs.

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Submissions from 2004


Some Systemic Issues in the Development of the Aerospace Industry Technical Workforce of the Future, John H. McMasters and Russell M. Cummings


High Resolution Turbulence Treatment of F/A-18 Tail Buffet, Scott A. Morton, Russell M. Cummings, and Denis B. Kholodar

Submissions from 2003


Fifty Years of Hypersonics: Where We've Been, Where We're Going, John J. Bertin and Russell M. Cummings


A Multifaceted Approach to the AIAA Foundation Undergraduate Team Aircraft Design Competition, Russell M. Cummings and Aaron R. Byerley


Computational Challenges in High Angle of Attack Flow Prediction, Russell M. Cummings, James R. Forsythe, Scott A. Morton, and Kyle D. Squires


Computational Simulation and PIV Measurements of the Laminar Vortical Flowfield for a Delta Wing at High Angle of Attack, Russell M. Cummings, Scott A. Morton, and Stefan G. Siegel


DES Grid Resolution Issues for Vortical Flows on a Delta Wing and an F-18C, Scott A. Morton, Mathew B. Steenman, Russell M. Cummings, and James R. Forsythe


Multidisciplinary Applications of Detached-Eddy Simulation to Separated Flows at High Reynolds Numbers, Scott A. Morton, Matt Steenman, Russell M. Cummings, James R. Forsythe, Kenneth E. Wurtzler, Kyle D. Squires, Shawn H. Woodson, and Phillippe R. Spalart

Submissions from 2001


The Study of Empirical Methodology To Observe Damping Characteristics of Various Laminate Composite Plates, Faysal A. Kolkailah, Eltahry Elghandour, Taikha Oh, and Jason Bolosan


Effects of Filament Reinforced Plexiglass Pressure Vessel on Failure Analysis, Faysal A. Kolkailah, Eltahry Elghandour, and Luis J. Valenzuela


The Demise of Aerospace, Part 2. We Doubt It., John H. McMasters and Russell M. Cummings

Submissions from 2000


Formulation, Realization, and Demonstration of a Process to Generate Aerodynamic Metamodels for Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle Design, Robert McDonald and D.N. Mavris


Supersonic Channel Airfoils for Reduced Drag, Stephen M. Ruffin, Anurag Gupta, and David D. Marshall

Submissions from 1999


Location effects of passive damping material in cross-ply laminates on natural frequency and mode shape, E. I. Elghandour and F. A. Kolkailah


Sensors Location Effect on the Dynamic Behaviour of the Composite Structure with Flaw Detection, Eltahry Elghandour, Faysal Kolkailah, and Abdel- Hamid I. Mourad


Mixed Mode Stable Crack Extensions Through Stiffened Specimens, Abdel-Hamid I. Mourad, Eltahry Elghandour, and Faysal A. Kolkailah

Submissions from 1998


Navier-Stokes Analysis of Lift-Enhancing Tabs on Multi-Element Airfoils, Paul G. Carrannanto, Bruce L. Storms, James C. Ross, and Russell M. Cummings


Numerical Investigation of an Airfoil with a Gurney Flap, Cory S. Jang, James C. Ross, and Russell M. Cummings

Submissions from 1997


Determination of Drag From Three-Dimensional Viscous and Inviscid Flowfield Computations, David L. Hunt, Russell M. Cummings, and M. B. Giles

Submissions from 1996


Integrating Multidisciplinary Design in an Undergraduate Curriculum, Russell M. Cummings and H. Jo Anne Freeman


Analysis of the Elements of Drag in Three-Dimensional Viscous and Inviscid Flows, Russell M. Cummings, M. B. Giles, and G. N. Shrinivas

Submissions from 1995


Supersonic, Turbulent Flow Computation and Drag Optimization for Axisymmetric Afterbodies, Russell M. Cummings, H. T. Yang, and Y. H. Oh

Submissions from 1994


Computational Analysis of Forebody Tangential Slot Blowing, Ken Gee, Roxana M. Agosta-Greenman, Yehia M. Rizk, Lewis B. Schiff, and Russell M. Cummings


Numerical Design of Advanced Multi-Element Airfoils, Donovan L. Mathias and Russell M. Cummings