Recommended Citation
AIAA Paper 2003-1102. Presented at the 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6, 2003, pages 1-15.
NOTE: At the time of publication, the author Russell M. Cummings was on sabbatical leave from Cal Poly.
The low-speed, laminar flowfield for a 70°-sweep delta wing is investigated. Solutions to the unsteady, three-dimensional, compressible Navier-Stokes equations were obtained on an unstructured grid to match results from an experiment performed in a water tunnel. The experiment was conducted with the delta wing at an angle of attack of 35° and the freestream flow at a root-chord Reynolds number of 40,700. The computational results are analyzed and compared with the experimental results in order to show how computations and experiments can be conducted in a synergistic fashion. Details about the primary vortex location, vortex burst, secondary vortex, and shear layer interaction are shown and discussed.
Aerospace Engineering
This article is in the public domain. Published by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.