Aerospace Engineering | College of Engineering | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Aerospace Engineering Department faculty actively collaborate with internationally and domestically recognized aerospace industry partners. Faculty research promotes innovation and transformation within the discipline. Faculty serve in collaborative and advisory roles supporting numerous student-led research projects, including those supporting NASA programs.

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Submissions from 2009


Underpowered Aircraft - Performance and Operational Possibilities, Andrew S. Ezzard, Michael R. Vallone, and Robert A. McDonald


Lessons Learned from the Numerical Investigations on the VFE-2 Configuration, Willy Fritz and Russell M. Cummings


Comparison of Overset Grid and Grid Deformation Techniques Applied to 2-Dimensional NACA Airfoils, Charles M. Hoke, Robert K. Decker, Russell M. Cummings, David R. McDaniel, and Scott A. Morton


Lower-Order Aerodynamic Loads Modeling of a Maneuvering Generic Fighter Using DDES Simulations, Tiger L. Jeans, David R. McDaniel, Russell M. Cummings, and Keith Bergeron


A Surface Parameterization Method for Airfoil Optimization and High Lift 2D Geometries Utilizing the CST Methodology, Kevin A. Lane and David D. Marshall


Comparisons of Computational Fluid Dynamics Solutions of static and Manoeuvering Fighter Aircraft with Flight Test Data, David R. McDaniel, Russell M. Cummings, K. Bergeron, Scott A. Morton, and J. P. Dean


Cost-Benefit Analysis of Error Reduction for Complex Systems, Robert A. McDonald


Senior Design at Cal Poly: A Recipe for Success, Robert A. McDonald, Jordi Puig-Suari, Dave Esposto, and Bruce Wright


Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of an Extreme Aspect Ration HALE UAV, Bryan Morrisey and Robert A. McDonald


Numerical Solutions for the CAWAPI Configuration on Unstructured Grids at USAFA, United States, Scott A. Morton, David R. McDaniel, and Russell M. Cummings


Shock Effects on Delta Wing Vortex Breakdown, Lucy A. Schiavetta, Okko J. Boelens, Simone Crippa, Russell M. Cummings, Willy Fritz, and Ken J. Badcock


Application of Volterra Functions to X-31 Aircraft Model Motion, United States Air Force Academy and Russell M. Cummings


Propulsion System Modeling and Takeoff Distance Calculations for a Powered-Lift Aircraft with Circulation-Control Wing Aerodynamics, Mark Waters, Cassey Anthony, Gregory McKenzie, and David D. Marshall

Submissions from 2008


Short Takeoff Performance using Circulation Control, Tyler Ball, Scott Turner, and David D. Marshall


An Undergraduate Computational Aerodynamics Curriculum, Keith Bergeron, Russell M. Cummings, Capt Robert Decker, Maj Jacob Freeman, Capt Charlie Hoke, Jurgen Seidel, Scott A. Morton, and David M. Mcdaniel


Numerical Prediction and Wind Tunnel Experiment for a Pitching Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle, Russell M. Cummings, Scott A. Morton, and Stefan G. Siegel


Detached-Eddy Simulation of the Vortical Flowfield about the VFE-2 DeltaWing, Russell M. Cummings and Andreas Schϋtte


Aerodynamic Performance Enhancement of a NACA 66-206 Airfoil Using Supersonic Channel Airfoil Design, David Giles and David D. Marshall


Aerodynamic Analysis of a Generic Fighter with a Chine Fuselage/Delta Wing Configuration Using Delayed Detached-Eddy Simulation, Tiger L. Jeans, David R. McDaniel, Russell M. Cummings, and William H. Mason


Introduction of Software Development Practices into Aerospace Engineering Curriculum, David D. Marshall and Eric A. Mehiel


An Evaluation of Proposed Formula 1 Aerodynamic Regulations Changes Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Robert L. Perry and David D. Marshall


Gaussian Process Metamodeling Applied to a Circulation Control Wing, Scott Turner, Tyler Ball, and David D. Marshall

Submissions from 2007


Circulation Control and Its Application to Extreme Short Take-Off and Landing Vehicles, Julianna B. de la Montanya and David D. Marshall


The Onset for Compressibility Effects for Aerofoils in Ground Effect, G. Doig, T.J. Barber, E. Leonardi, and A.J. Neely


Wing-Nacelle Assembly Multidisciplinary Performance Optimization, Yevgeniy M. Gisin and David D. Marshall