"Lessons Learned from the Numerical Investigations on the VFE-2 Configu" by Willy Fritz and Russell M. Cummings


The Second International Vortex Flow Experiment provided a variety of experimental data for a 65° delta wing with sharp and blunt/rounded leading edges. Flow measurements including forces and moments, surface pressures, Pressure Sensitive Paint measurements, and off-surface flow variables from Particle Image Velocimetry were made available for comparisons with computational simulations. A number of test cases were chosen for simulation by seven numerical groups, and a summary of their results is presented here. The ability of computational fluid dynamics to predict such flow features as the dual primary vortex system found on the blunt leading edge configuration and a shock/vortex interaction for the sharp leading edge are assessed. While computational simulation has made great strides in recent years, there are still areas where further improvement can be made, including in turbulence modeling, transition modeling, and the ability to accurately compute unsteady flows.


Aerospace Engineering

Publisher statement

The definitive version is available at http://www.rta.nato.int/Pubs/RDP.asp?RDP=RTO-TR-AVT-113.



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