Recommended Citation
Postprint version. Published in 2000 World Aviation Conference: San Diego, CA, October 10, 2000.
NOTE: At the time of publication, the author Robert McDonald was not yet affiliated with Cal Poly.
The desire to facilitate the conceptual and preliminary design of hypersonic cruise vehicles has created the need for simple, fast, versatile, and trusted aerodynamic analysis tools. Metamodels representing physics-based engineering codes provide instantaneous access to calibrated tools. Nonlinear transformations extend the capability of metamodels to accurately represent a large design space. Independence, superposition, and scaling properties of the hypersonic engineering method afford an expansive design space without traditional compounding penalties. This one-time investment results in aerodynamic and volumetric metamodels of superior quality and versatility which may be used in many forms throughout early design. As a module, they can be an integral component within a multidisciplinary analysis and optimization package. Aerodynamic polars they produce may provide performance information for mission analysis. Spreadsheet implementations can provide pocket-calculator-like access to explore the design space. Plotting their essence as profiles exposes design trends may be used in rapid tradeoff studies. This work postulates the procedure, details the execution, and exposes the results of generating uncompromised aerodynamic metamodels for hypersonic cruise vehicle design.
Aerospace Engineering
2000 AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc..