"Assessment of Sting Effect on X-31 Aircraft Model Using CFD" by Adam Jirásek and Russell M. Cummings


The article describes the computational evaluation of the effect a belly mounted sting on the aerodynamics characteristics of an X-31 wind tunnel model. The investigation includes results of steady and time-dependent CFD analysis of the X-31 model with and without sting. The values of the steady lift and pitching moment coefficients as well as the pitching moment of model undergoing a manuever are compared to each other and to the wind tunnel data. The results of this analysis show the detrimental effect of sting on stability of the vortical structure above the wing as well as a substantial increase of noise in pitching moment data.


Aerospace Engineering

Publisher statement

This article is in the public domain. Published by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/aero_fac/55