"John McMasters’Contributions to Aircraft Design Education" by Russell M. Cummings


John McMasters was intensely interested in two seemingly diverse pursuits: aircraft design and technical work force development. The later pursuit often got John involved in encouraging the development and improvement of engineering education, especially aircraft design education. He spent countless hours considering the issues that contribute to good design education, and was a strong proponent of programs that would encourage students to become interested in design. An overview of John’s ideas on aircraft design education will be presented based on discussions with John, as well as papers that we co-authored. In addition, John had a long talk with me just prior to his death where he outlined his ideas on how the future of aircraft design could be influenced to eventually create “greener” and/or more innovative airplanes. It will be interesting to the aerospace community to see John’s notions for this lofty goal.


Aerospace Engineering



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/aero_fac/46