Recommended Citation
48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, January 4, 2010, pages 1-27.
The design of circulation control (CC) dual radius flap systems were investigated to characterize the parameters that make up the flap surface to offer further knowledge into the CC field of study. Multiple dual radius flap geometries, along with variants, were developed by varying specific flap parameters from a baseline configuration that had previously developed. The aerodynamics of the different flap geometries were analyzed using two-dimensional CFD. This research will explore the design of CC pneumatic flap systems to improve the performance of existing CC flap configurations, and provide insight into the characteristics of the CC flap geometry.
Aerospace Engineering
2010 Rory M. Golden and David D. Marshall.
Publisher statement
The original paper was published by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.. The definitive version is available at