Dairy Science | College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

The Dairy Science Department is recognized as one of the best in the nation, housing its own dairy herd, Dairy Products Technology Center, and Cal Poly Creamery. Faculty research focuses on the history, science, theories, and developments in dairy science.

Modified from animalscience.calpoly.edu


Submissions from 2009


Culturally speaking: Shelf life, Phillip S. Tong


Phil Tong on nutritious frozen dairy, Phillip S. Tong

Submissions from 2006


Fatty Acid Composition and Thermal Properties of Lipid From Milk and Butter From Lactating Holstein Cows Fed a Supplemental Lipid Either High or Low In Palmitic Acid, M. K. Beam, L. W. Lassonde, B. C. Veltri, S. J. Taylor, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, and E. J. DePeters


Correlation of DGAT1 Genetic Variants with Fat Content in the Cal Poly Herd, S. Henderson, A. Laubscher, Juan F. Medrano, G. Rincon, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


High-Risk Human Papilloma Virus Infection Decreases the Frequency of Dendritic Langerhans’ Cells in the Human Female Genital Tract, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, Rene Mendez-Cruz, Jorge Ojeda-Ortiz, Rebeca Muñoz-Molina, Oscar Balderas-Carrillo, Maria de la Luz Diaz-Soberanes, Serge Lebecque, Sem Saeland, Adrian Daneri-Navarro, Alejandro Garcia-Carranca, Stephen E. Ullrich, and Leopoldo Flores-Romo


Sensory Evaluation of A Novel Ingredient Produced from Buttermilk, S. Jinjarak, Pierre Morin, A. Olabi, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Effect of Processing on the Composition and Structure of Buttermilk and of its Milk Fat Globule Membranes, Pierre Morin, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, and Yves Pouliot


A Comparative Study of the Fractionation of Regular Buttermilk and Whey Buttermilk by Microfiltration, Pierre Morin, Yves Pouliot, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Evaluation of Adherence of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus Strains to Cell Membranes by Blot Analysis and Optical Tweezers, J. Sharpe, C. Iñiguez, E. Acedo-Félix, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Influence of pH and heat treatment of whey on the functional properties of whey protein concentrates in yoghurt, Isabelle Sodini, Jerry Mattas, and Phillip S. Tong


Validation of ED-XRF as a Reliable Method for Determining the Mineral Composition of Skim Milk Powders, Salvador Uson, Chad Immoos, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores