Dairy Science | College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

The Dairy Science Department is recognized as one of the best in the nation, housing its own dairy herd, Dairy Products Technology Center, and Cal Poly Creamery. Faculty research focuses on the history, science, theories, and developments in dairy science.

Modified from animalscience.calpoly.edu


Submissions from 2001


Expression and Purification of Glycosylated Bovine β-Casein (L70S/P71S) in Pichia Pastoris, Byung-Kwon Choi and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Screening and Binding Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria with Milk Fat Globular Membrane Components, D. T. Elizonado-Bachiero, A. Benavides, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Use of Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) to Determine Metabolic Organic Acids in Milk, Jesus M. Izco, Monica Tormo, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Scale Up and Mass Balance of Affinity Purification of Native β-Lactoglobulin, Harit K. Vyas, Jesus M. Izco, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores

Submissions from 1999


Food Choices for the 21st Century, Louise Berner, Nancy Childs, Constance Geiger, Carl Keen, Janet King, Janet McDonald, Sanford Miller, Suzanne Murphy, Harold Schmitz, Anne Shaw, Phil Tong, and Connie Weaver


Evaluation of commercial adjuncts for use in cheese ripening: 1. Enzymatic activities and autolytic properties of freeze-shocked adjuncts in buffer system, M. El-Soda, S. A. Madkor, and P. S. Tong


Evaluation of commercial adjuncts for use in cheese ripening: 3. Properties of heat-shocked adjuncts in buffer and cheese slurry systems, M. El-Soda, S. A. Madkor, and P. S. Tong


Evaluation of commercial adjuncts for use in cheese ripening: 2. Ripening aspects and flavor development in cheese curd slurries prepared with adjunct lactobacilli, S. A. Madkor, M. El-Soda, and P. S. Tong


Modifications of Phosphocaseinate Solutions Treated by Selective Adsorption, Nathalie Martin, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, Phillip S. Tong, Yves Pouliot, and Michel Britten

Submissions from 1998


Whey Protein Edible Film Structures Determined by Atomic Force Microscope, L.E. Lent, L. S. Vanasupa, and P. S. Tong

Submissions from 1996


Genetic Modification of Bovine β-Casein and Its Expression in the Milk of Transgenic Mice, Byung-Kwon Choi, Gregory T. Bleck, Matthew B. Wheeler, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Study of Putative Glycosylation Sites in Bovine β-Casein Introduced by PCR-Based Site-Directed Mutagenesis, Byung-Kwon Choi and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Expression of a Bovine κ-CN cDNA in the Mammary Gland of Transgenic Mice Utilizing a Genomic Milk Protein Gene as an Expression Cassette, Alfonso Gutiérrez, Harry M. Meade, Paul Ditullio, Daniel Pollock, Merry Harvey, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, Gary B. Anderson, James D. Murray, and Juan F. Medrano

Submissions from 1994


Process to Remove Cholesterol from Dairy Products, Thomas Richardson and Rafael Jiménez-Flores

Submissions from 1993


Heating Skim Milk Alters the Migration of Immunoreactive Milk Proteins in Acrylamide Gels, Walter L. Hurley, Christine E. Magura, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Protein-Saponin Interaction and Its Influence on Blood Lipids, Susan M. Potter, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, JoAnn Pollack, Timothy A. Lone, and M. Dolores Berber-Jiménez

Submissions from 1990


Expression of Bovine β-Casein in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Characterization of the Protein Produced in Vivo, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, Thomas Richardson, and Linda F. Bisson

Submissions from 1987


Cloning And Sequence Analysis Of Bovine β-Casein cDNA, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, Young C. Kang, and Tom Richardson


Low-Fat Dairy Coffee Whitener, Frank V. Kosikowski and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Method for Removal of Pharmaceutical Antibiotics from Contaminated Milks, Frank V. Kosikowski and Rafael Jiménez-Flores