Dairy Science | College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

The Dairy Science Department is recognized as one of the best in the nation, housing its own dairy herd, Dairy Products Technology Center, and Cal Poly Creamery. Faculty research focuses on the history, science, theories, and developments in dairy science.

Modified from animalscience.calpoly.edu


Submissions from 2005


Physical properties of yogurt fortified with various commercial whey protein concentrates, Isabelle Sodini, John Montella, and Phillip S. Tong

Submissions from 2004


Heat-Induced Redistribution of Disulfide Bonds in Milk Proteins. 1. Bovine β-Lactoglobulin, Lawrence K. Creamer, Annie Bienvenue, Hanna Nilsson, Marie Paulsson, Miriam van Wanroij, Edwin K. Lowe, Skelte G. Anema, Michael J. Boland, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Heat-Induced Redistribution of Disulfide Bonds in Milk Proteins. 2. Disulfide Bonding Patterns Between Bovine β-Lactoglobulin and κ-Casein, Edwin K. Lowe, Skelte G. Anema, Annie Bienvenue, Michael J. Boland, Lawrence K. Creamer, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Bioguided Processing: A Paradigm Change in Food Production, Robert E. Ward, Heribert J. Watzke, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, and J. Bruce German


Application of Genotypic and Phenotypic Analyses to Commercial Probiotic Strain Identity and Relatedness, P. S. M. Yeung, Christopher L. Kitts, Phillip S. Tong, and M. E. Sanders

Submissions from 2002


Development of Endospore-Specific Primers for the TRFP Analysis of Microbial Population in Milk Powder, M. M. Arendts, Amy J. Rife, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Disulfide Bonding Patterns Between β-Lactoglobulin and κ-Casein in a Heated and Spray-Dried Milk-Model, Annie Bienvenue, C. S. Norris, Michael J. Boland, Lawrence K. Creamer, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Factors Influencing Cell Count of a Probiotic Lactobacillus Crispatus Strain, Kevin Bourzac, Ann Bernard, M. E. Sanders, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Heat-Induced Reactions Involving β-Lactoglobulin and Other Milk Proteins in Milk, Whey, and Model Systems, Lawrence K. Creamer, G. A. Manderson, Y. H. Hong, P. Havea, Y. H. Cho, H. Singh, Annie Bienvenue, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Fractionation of β-Lactoglobulin Tryptic Peptides by Ampholyte-Free Isoelectric Focusing, Paule Emilie Groleau, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, Sylvie F. Gauthier, and Yves Pouliot


Effects of Seasonal and Regional Variations in Milk Components on the Buffering Capacity of Milk in California, A. Harris, Phillip Tong, Sean Vink, Jesus Izco, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Development of a CE Method to Analyze Organic Acids in Dairy Products: Application to Study the Metabolism of Heat-Shocked Spores, Jesus M. Izco, Monica Tormo, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Validation of Capillary Electrophoresis for the Ultra-Rapid Determination of Inorganic Phosphate and Citrate in Milk, Jesus M. Izco, Monica Tormo, Phillip Tong, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Monitoring Endospores and Endospore-Forming Bacteria Populations in Commercial Skim Milk Powder Production Plants, C. Murillo and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Utilization of Dot Blots to Screen Probiotic Lactobacilli for Mucin Binding, J. Newman and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


The Detection of Bacillus Endospores During Low Heat Skim Milk Powder Processing Using Nucleic Acid Technology, Amy J. Rife, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, Chris Kitts, and Mark Kubinski


Sensory and Instrumental Measurements of the Sensory Properties of Powdered Buttermilk, M. Spill, Jean-Xavier Guinard, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Extraction of Lipids from Buttermilk Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Harit K. Vyas, Johanna C. Astaire, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores