Dairy Science | College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

The Dairy Science Department is recognized as one of the best in the nation, housing its own dairy herd, Dairy Products Technology Center, and Cal Poly Creamery. Faculty research focuses on the history, science, theories, and developments in dairy science.

Modified from animalscience.calpoly.edu


Submissions from 2012


Dietary Fat Composition Influences Tissue Lipid Profile and Gene Expression in Fischer-344 Rats, Albert L. Zhou, Korry J. Hintze, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, and Robert E. Ward

Submissions from 2010


A Novel Method for Evaluating the Release of Fermentable Sugars From Cellulosic Biomass, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, Gina Fake, Jennifer Carroll, Elizabeth Hood, and John Howard


Growth Hormone Alters Lipid Composition and Increases the Abundance of Casein and Lactalbumin mRNA in the MAC-T Cell Line, Tasha L. Johnson, Brent A. S. Fujimoto, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, and Daniel G. Peterson


Nutrient utilization of different levels of dietary fiber in dairy heifers limit-fed high and low concentrate diets, G. J. Lascano and A. J. Heinrichs


Dietary starch level and dose response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for limit fed-dairy heifers, G. J. Lascano, J. M. Tricarico, and A. J. Heinrichs


Digestibility of fresh sugarcane-based diets with slow-release non protein nitrogen addition for limit-fed dairy heifers in the tropics, G. J. Lascano, M. Velez, J. M. Tricarico, and A. J. Heinrichs


The Impact of Antioxidant Addition on Flavor of Cheddar and Mozzarella Whey and Cheddar Whey Protein Concentrate, I. W. Liaw, H. Eshpari, P. S. Tong, and M. A. Drake


Lipid Rafts in the Bovine Milk Fat Globule Membrane Revealed by the Lateral Segregation of Phospholipids and Heterogeneous Distribution of Glycoproteins, Christelle Lopez, Marie-Noëlle Madec, and Rafael Jiménez-Flores


Effects on lactation performance when slick hair gene is simulated in dairy cattle in the tropics, R. M. Mejía, J. A. Ortuño, G. J. Lascano, and M. Vélez


Effects of Yogurt Starter Cultures on the Survival of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Elizabeth W. Ng, Marie Yeung, and Phillip S. Tong


Investigating the Protective Properties of Milk Phospholipids Against Ultraviolet Light Exposure in a Skin Equivalent Model, Ashley Russell, Andrea Laubscher, Rafael Jiménez-Flores, and Lily H. Laiho


Culturally speaking: Beyond yogurt, Phillip S. Tong


Culturally speaking: The year of sodium, Phillip S. Tong


Delivering health and wellness, Phillip S. Tong


Food processors look to dairy ingredients, Phillip S. Tong