"Low-Fat Dairy Coffee Whitener" by Frank V. Kosikowski and Rafael Jiménez-Flores

Publication Date



A coffee whitener composition made from decreamed milk ultrafiltration retentate having its protein concentrated between about 2:1 to about 4:1 compared to the protein content of the starting milk and a minor whitening power enhancing amount is added in the form of riboflavin (a vitamin) and beta carotene (a vitamin pre-cursor) or a mixture thereof. The composition is usually in powdered form and is high in protein, low in fat and sodium and reduced in lactose and its high protein enhanced as described provided a low-fat dairy coffee whitening function approximately equal to non-diary coffee creamers.


Dairy Science

Number of Pages


Publisher statement

Also available from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Website: http://www.uspto.gov

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