

The late bell hooks framed feminist pedagogies as a set of practices and systems that provide a description of feminism, a feminist learning environment, and ways to cultivate a community that is ready for feminist instruction. Using intersectionality, hooks (1992) discussed “loving blackness” as a representational and destabilizing practice to de-center whiteness. hooks (1992, 20) writes, “loving blackness as a political resistance transforms our ways of looking and being, and thus creates conditions necessary for us to move against the forces of domination and death and reclaim black life.” I propose a black feminist praxis teaching tool, “a sense experience,” in support of hooks’ “loving blackness” concept. My teaching tool is a visual and conceptual framing exercise where students locate an image, sound, and feeling that encapsulates Blackness. A sense experience encourages students to analyze the object to discuss black representation in a socio-geo-political context. For example, what themes are highlighted in the text? Why? Ultimately, my teaching tool will 1. succor students’ ability to discuss feminist values including access to discourse, ethics of care, and critical thinking and 2. evaluate how we enact bell hooks’ feminist pedagogy to teach students about social transformation.
