The Journalism Department offers a professional program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism with emphases in broadcasting, multimedia, news-editorial, and public relations. In addition to Journalism courses, units of general education and electives offer insight into government, natural and social sciences, economics, history, philosophy, the arts and other fields, helping to prepare graduates to meet assignments in the world community. Cal Poly Journalism graduates have reached positions of responsibility and authority nationally in corporations and media outlets, including major publications, networks, and affiliates. Founded in the 1920s, the department has thousands of alumni, with many holding high positions in print, broadcast, and public relations journalism for state and national organizations.
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Senior Projects from 2017
Reducing Partisan Bias in Political Reporting for a Better Informed Public, Emily Holland
Understanding Increasing College Anxiety: The Need for Anxiety Awareness Campaigns, Taylor Mosher
Media coverage on socioeconomically disadvantaged students of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo and its surrounding community, Melissa Eraclea Nuñez
Transitioning College Media from Print Focused Business Models to Digitally Focused Business Models, Celina Oseguera
Promoting Beneficial Social Media Use in Lonely College Students with Film, Francesca P. Ricapito
Lost in Translation: Social Media Outreach, Concerns, and Responses to the Potential Decommissioning of Diablo Nuclear Power Plant, Madison O'Hare Salvati
PR Day 2017: Building Campus Relationships: Awareness and Participation for Multidisciplinary Interaction, Jackie Steele
Senior Projects from 2016
Social Media Marketing in the Film Industry: Using Social Media to Create a Successful Marketing Campaign for the Theatrical Release of a Film, Katherine Baker
Public Relations in the Restaurant Industry: Using Visual Social Media to Increase Consumer Relationships, Carly M. Cady
The Freedom of Speech in Public Forums on College Campuses: A Single-Site Case Study on Pushing the Boundaries of the Freedom of Speech, Alexander Davidson
Gaining Brand Recognition with the Millennial Generation: How Wine Companies can Market to this Demographic, Nicolette DeLuca
Transparency in the Fast-Food Industry: Utilizing Mobile to Capture New Audiences, Mary Dundon
Physician-Patient Communication: Building a Better Relationship to Improve Medication Adherence, Yolanda Fisher
Using relationship theory to improve STEM outreach to corporations: A case study for STARBASE Los Alamitos, Mark Gibson
The Use of Video Outreach to Increase Incoming Students’ View of the Higher Education Institution as a Whole: A Case Study at California Polytechnic State University, Leah Horner and Michelle Logan
Media Bias: How Much Does it Hurt or Help the Media-Public Relationship?, Aidan Mathews
LGBTQIA Representation in College Media, Alexis McCoy-Caso
PrEP Advocacy Project: Increasing the Adoption of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in San Luis Obispo County, Leona Rajaee
Establishing a Brand: How to Create a Household Name for a Wine Brand through Social Media and Image, Megan Rodrigues
Crisis Communications and Media Coverage Before, During, and After a Natural Disaster, Juliet Saunders
Communication Surrounding College Campus Crime: Sexual Assault Influencing Factors, Policies, and Decision-making Outcomes, Rachel Seymour