The Construction Management Department at Cal Poly is a tight knit group of faculty and staff working to provide students the best possible education and the help they need to progress to graduation and to leave Cal Poly ready for the challenges they can expect in the professional world. Students take a variety of classes, join one or more professional student organizations, and frequently intern with one of the many companies that visit the campus over the course of each year. Upon graduation, the department has virtually 100% placement in the construction industry.
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Senior Projects from 2022
Reality Capture Course Content: Exposing the Next Generation of Builders to Technology Moving the Industry Forward, Maxwell S. Eisner
Creating a LEED General Associate Exam Preparation Technical Elective, Isabella Erickson
San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden Bridge Rebuild, Anthony T. Flores
Sustainable Concrete and Its Current Stance in the Construction Industry, Morgan Hailey Gawle
Construction of Modular Concrete Footings for Use in Cal Poly’s High Bay Laboratory, Tyler W. Giddens
Impacts of Pandemic-Induced Material Price Escalation on Construction Estimation and Bidding, Chancellor G. Giessinger
The Integration of Virtual Reality in the Commercial Construction Industry, Justin T. Gin
Expanding on Leadership and Professional Skills for a Girls Build Summer Academy, Claire M. Gress
Analysis of the Retention Rate of Students in the Granite Heavy Civil Minor, Sophie Harrington
Cal Poly Construction Management Summer Bootcamp 2022, Mason A. Heinse
The Site Logistics Design of the SHABANG SLO 2022 VIP Stage, Natalie J. Hodgson
Risks Involved with Helicopter Operations on a Remote Jobsite, Noah Hohenester
LEED in Residential Construction, Harley Maria Holbrook
Alternative Redistribution of Residential Solar Energy, David T. Holmes
Re-Assessing the Granite Heavy Civil Minor, Natalie H. Holnes
Updating the Cal Poly Construction Management Community Partners List, Braden Hotra
A Case Study Comparing Panelization and Modularization Construction Methods, Tuukka Juhani Jaakkola
Water Efficiency in Residential Homes in San Luis Obispo County, Parker John Jacobs
Paso Robles Police Department Shooting Range Shade Structure, Kevin Jaggers
San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden - Children's Garden Observation Deck, Troy James Kauffman
Researching the Demand of a New App That Reinvents the Way General Contractors and Subcontractors Communicate, Biko Kavalam
Prefabrication and Modular Construction: CM 214 Residential Construction Learning Module, Matthew V. Keeth
San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden Alternative Learning Space- Preconstruction, Jonah Kirmse
Landscape Storage Shed for Transitions-Mental Health Association, Jennifer Casey Knickerbocker
Comparison Between Shipping Container Homes and Regular Stick-built Homes in California, Levi Robert Krull