College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Eric Brinkman, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


Construction industry is notoriously inefficient industry with a lot of room for improvement. Construction companies are constantly looking to increase their efficiency. NCC Finland decided to explore the method of modular construction as part of the efforts to increase production. NCC also happened to build a similarly sized project with the more traditional method of panelization and tilt-up construction. This Case study explores the experience of NCC as the general contractor of both projects. The aim is to understand the differences of the challenges and benefits experienced by the team from NCC. The findings show that Modular construction offers wide potential for faster and more streamlined experiences that reduce the risk taken by the general contractor in the form of less on-site construction, higher reliance on external pricing, and more predictable construction times. However, at the same time it implements more difficult logistics, less flexible designs, and longer lead times. Overall, the superintendent for the project gives modular construction good reviews while also recognizing that it has not yet reached full maturity and will require more experience from his part to fully utilize the full benefits that modular construction has to offer.

Tuukka Jaakkola - Poster Board.pdf (3462 kB)
Poster Board
