"San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden Alternative Learning Space- Preconstr" by Jonah Kirmse

College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Mark Montoya, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


This paper will review the process behind the preconstruction efforts for the creation of an alternative learning space within the San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden. The SLO Botanical Garden is a nonprofit that serves the local community by supporting public interest in the natural environment. The project sought to aid in the garden’s aforementioned mission by building upon their ability to provide outdoor education spaces. The project’s eventual completion was a collective effort that spanned across multiple disciplines, representing the building industry. The original intention of the project group was to complete the project from concept to construction, but delays in the preconstruction timeline forced overall adaptations. Support from alumni organizations and industry professionals provided viability to the project. Initial meetings with representatives from the garden dictated the client’s conceptual expectations. Multiple iterations of design sought to find balance between the function of the space and practical project limitations. Issues surrounding communication were a reoccurring theme throughout the project and caused significant delays in the originally proposed schedule. Revisions to the process could have improved schedule objectives and may serve as reference point for future construction management students pursuing project-based projects.

Kirmse.SP.PosterBoard.pdf (2090 kB)
Poster Board
