The Construction Management Department at Cal Poly is a tight knit group of faculty and staff working to provide students the best possible education and the help they need to progress to graduation and to leave Cal Poly ready for the challenges they can expect in the professional world. Students take a variety of classes, join one or more professional student organizations, and frequently intern with one of the many companies that visit the campus over the course of each year. Upon graduation, the department has virtually 100% placement in the construction industry.
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Senior Projects from 2022
Fence and Gates for the City Farm SLO, Mackenzie E. Ramsey
Design, Schedule, and Cost Estimate for New Cal Poly Football Office Building, Kyle McCallum Reid
San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden Children's Learning Center Deck - The Preconstruction, Dakota Reynolds
Case Study on the Reduction of Electrical Packaging to Help with Overall Construction Waste, Hailey Rodriguez
Zoom or Doom? The CM Curriculum at a Glance During Covid, Alissa Rogers
Girls Build Summer Academy Leadership Summit, Itzell Ruiz
Analysis of the Potential Structure of a Peer Mentorship Program for The Construction Management Department at Cal Poly, SLO, Jane C. Runte
Construction of Concrete Modular Foundations - Procurement and Quality Control, Jackson M. Runyan
Impact of Cell Phone Usage on Jobsite Productivity, Nathan C. Saedi
Skip the Grid: Giving Power to Navajo Nation, Ryan J. Schacherbauer
The Construction of Elevated Decks and Safari-Style Glamping Tents for Zoo to You, Conner W. Schmutte
Preliminary Design of Vests for the VEST Hackathon, Amanda Schrader
Preconstruction Services for Hiinga Hospital Kampala, Uganda, Brett Robert Shank
The Efficacy of Orange Lane Delineations in Highway Work Zones, Neetu Kaur Sidhu
Skip the Grid: Solar Powered Refrigeration in the Navajo Nation, Sydney Jo Sitton
Paso Robles Police Department Shooting Range Shade Structure, Parker Greves Smith
Safely Covered or Dangerously Exposed: Analyzing the Safety Vest Code of Compliance, Sophie L. Stewart
CAED Hasslein Student Competition, Greta R. Stout
Installation of Electrical System for Paso Robles Police Department, Peter D. Strykers and Jacob M. Studebaker
Site Development Feasibility Study, Andy A. Tenekjian
CVAF: Service Dog Kennel Construction, Luke A. Terrio and Spencer Allen
Hope's Village of San Luis Obispo Charging Cabinet, Jackson S. Thomas and Payton E. Strout
Methods Residential Construction Firms Have Taken in the Past to Survive a Recession and How to Apply Them Towards the Next One, Dustin Thompson
Shape Deformities in Recycled Concrete as a Substitute Aggregate in Concrete, Carson D. Timmerman
Differing Moisture Content in Concrete and Mitigation Methods: Research of Sacramento, Taylor S. Tonda