"Comparison Between Shipping Container Homes and Regular Stick-built Ho" by Levi Robert Krull

College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Eric Brinkman, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


The Research that was conducted was to examine the differences and similarities between shipping container construction and stick-built construction within residential homes in California. Shipping Container construction has grown in popularity and has continued to make its way into many different construction industries. I wanted to find the reasoning behind why this has continued to grow and if it could be a future way to construct Californian homes. This information could change how future homebuilders construct homes in California. This information could also provide a home that has a different cost, schedule, and features that could benefit the owner. After conducting my research I have found that shipping container homes do not have the potential at this point in time to replace stick built homes in California. Shipping container homes provide a simple design, affordability, a short construction schedule, and the ability to be relocated easily. While these benefits apply to smaller simple homes and ADUs when constructing mid-size to large custom homes the affordability, schedule, and flexibility of design are diminished when constructing with shipping containers. Shipping container construction has a niche for the future of construction although, it will not overcome stick-built construction in typical Californian home building.

Poster Board.pdf (585 kB)
Poster Board
