"San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden - Children's Garden Observation Deck" by Troy James Kauffman

College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Mark Montoya, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


This paper will explain the preconstruction process for an observation deck in the San Luis Obispo Botanical Gardens, specifically the children’s garden. The children’s garden is a subsection of the botanical gardens dedicated to educating children through outdoor learning. The San Luis Obispo Botanical Gardens reached out to the Cal Poly Construction Management department in need of a team to create an outdoor learning space. Four students were interested in the project and decided to pursue it. The team for this senior project is an interdisciplinary group consisting of 3 construction management students and 1 architectural engineering student. The team designed the deck to fit the needs of the botanical gardens. The project received donations from supporting alumni organizations in order to fund the deck's construction. The project team communicated with industry professionals and suppliers to gather information for the estimate and material quantity take-off. The team also needed to permit the deck through the county permitting office. The project team encountered many hurdles throughout this project. Communication issues during the design and permitting phase of the deck resulted in rework and delays. In the end, the team delivered a preconstruction package for the construction of the deck.

Troy.Kauffman.SP.PosterBoard.pdf (2090 kB)
Poster Board
