Content Posted in 2010
Perspectives on the Application of Zilpaterol Hydrochloride in the United States Beef Industry, R. J. Delmore, J. M. Hodgen, and B. J. Johnson
Perspectives on the Application of Zilpaterol Hydrochloride in the United States Beef Industry, Robert J. Delmore, Jr.; J. M. Hodgen; and B. J. Johnson
PET Wine Bottles: Will Consumers Accept Them?, David Baird and Wayne Howard
PG&E Flow Loop Simulator, Cole Brooks, Seth Berger, and Ben Thacker
Pharmaceutical Direct-to-Consumer Advertising and Print Media, Vanessa Khim
PHASED ARRAY 802.11g ANTENNA, Allen G. Peters
Phase Transitions in Antiferromagnets in External Magnetic Fields: Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Richard B. Frankel
Philanthropy - Making Your Dollars Make Sense, Jeanne Potter
Philosophy Professor and Navy Fellow Explains Robots in latest 'Popular Mechanics', Public Affairs Office
Photo Essay, Luke Arehart
Photo Essay, Steph Monette
Photoresist Coating Process Control With Solvent Vapor Sensor, Richard N. Savage, Herbert Litvak, and Emir Gurer
Photosynthetic Parameters and Empirical Modeling of Primary Production: A Case Study on the Antarctic Peninsula Shelf, Mark A. Moline, Oscar Schofield, and Nicolas P. Boucher
Physical Activity and Hormonal Regulation of Appetite: Sex Differences and Weight Control, Todd A. Hagobian and Barry Braun
Physical Forcing of Phytoplankton Community Structure and Primary Production in Continental Shelf Waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula, Barbara B. Prezelin, Eileen E. Hofmann, Mark A. Moline, and John M. Klinck
"Picasso" Interface for Horizon Simulation Framework, Brian E. Kirkpatrick
PIC Controlled Two-Band Stereo Audio Equalizer, Tim Brown
Pick Persimmons, Mandarins and More at Cal Poly Orchards Through February, Public Affairs Office
Picture from Nicaragua - Photograph, Sean Anayah
Piedras Blancas Motel Feasibility Study and Redevelopment Alternatives, Gordon Douglas Anderson
Plan B for America, Amelia Wing
Planning for Disaster Resilient Environments: California and the World, William Siembieda and Rhianna Ortiz
Plant Photosensitizers: A Survey of Their Occurrence in Arid and Semiarid Plants From North America, Kelsey R. Downum, Sergio Villegas, Eloy Rodriguez, and David J. Keil
Plasma Deposition of Spin Chucks to Reduce Contamination of Silicon Wafers, Richard N. Savage, Emir Gurer, and Ed C. Lee
Plasma Deposition of Spin Chucks to Reduce Contamination of Silicon Wafers, Emir Gurer, Ed C. Lee, and Richard Savage
Plastic Deformation, Vacancy Diffusion, and Vacancy Delocalization in bcc 3He, Matthew J. Moelter, M. B. Manning, and C. Elbaum
Platform effects on optical variability and prediction of underwater visibility, Grace Chang, Michael S. Twardowski, Yu You, Mark A. Moline, Peng-wang Zhai, Scott Freeman, Matthew Slivkoff, Francesco Nencioli, and George W. Kattawar
Platform Migration of a LCD Smart Transit Sign, Shea Clifford
Platter, Kevin Clark
PLED Enhancement and Re-use, Carlos A. Ayala
Pluralism, Relativism, and Liberalism, Matthew J. Moore
Police Operations Simulation, Robert McGee
Political Cartoons and Graphic Novels: A Study of Political and Social Commentary in Comics, Daniella Orihuela-Gruber
Political Theory Today: Results of a National Survey, Matthew J. Moore
Pollution and Economic Growth, Eric O'N. Fisher and Charles van Marrewijk
PolyEnvi, Stephen Beard, Josh Engel, Paul Fake, Diego Flores, Alvaro Nunez, and Miguel Wong
PolyHeart: Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment, Katherine Vaughan
Polyphase Filter With Low-Pass Response, Vladimir I. Prodanov, Peter Kiss, and Mihai Banu
Poly Reps Launch True Mustang Night with a Kissing Chain, Public Affairs Office
Poor People's Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail. By Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward. New York: Pantheon Books, 1977., Harold R. Kerbo
Porophyllum pygmaeum (Asteraceae), a Distinctive New Species from Southern Nevada, David J. Keil and James D. Morefield
Positive Language in the Parent-Child Relationship: Creating an Educational Video for Parents, Katherine Y. Upchurch
Postfire Succession and Disturbance Interactions on an Intermountain Subalpine Spruce-fir Forest, Michael J. Jenkins, Christopher Dicus, and Elizabeth G. Hebertson
Powdery Mildew Cost Comparison, Natalie Lane Bazar
Power Amplifier Principles and Modern Design Techniques, Vladimir I. Prodanov and Mihai Banu
Power Electronic Courses That Work, Taufik
Power losses associated with stand-by chargers, Robert Peralta
Power of Indigenous Symbols Studied in Book by Cal Poly Professor, Public Affairs Office
Power Quality Analysis of a Three-Phase Cycloconverter under Variable Operating Conditions, Kevin Palani
Power Quality Analysis of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System with Adjustable Speed Drives, M. Anwari, M. Imran Hamid, M.I. M. Rashid, and Taufik
Power Quality Behavior of Single Phase Fed Adjustable Speed Drive Supplied From Grid of PV Generation, Makbul Anwari, M. Imran Hamid, and Taufik
Practice Notes: Strategies in Health Education - Program: "What's Cooking on the Central Coast with the Pink and Dude Chefs?", Julie Chessen, David W. Hey, Lisa Nicholson, and Ann Yelmokas McDermott
Pragmatism and Pluralism, Together Again, Matthew J. Moore
Preaching, Prosperity, and Product Sales: A Profile of On-Demand Digital Audio Offerings of Christian Renewalist Ministries, Douglas J. Swanson
Pre-amp Equalizer and Distortion Control, Brian Jackson
Precipitation of Fe3O4 in Magnetotactic Bacteria, Richard B. Frankel and Richard P. Blakemore
Preconference Proceedings on Advances in Adaptive Planning Capabilities, Jens G. Pohl
Predicted Fire Behavior and Societal Benefits in Three Eastern Sierra Nevada Vegetation Types, Christopher Dicus, Kenneth Delfino, and David R. Weise
Predicting Nutritional Requirements and Lactation Performance of Dual-Purpose Cows Using a Dynamic Model, O. Reynoso-Campos, D. G. Fox, R. W. Blake, M. C. Barry, L. O. Tedeschi, C. F. Nicholson, H. M. Kaiser, and P. A. Oltenacu
Prediction of Wind Speeds with an Artificial Neural Network, Justin Tracy
Pre-earthquake Signatures in Thermal Infrared and Radar Data, Stephanie Oliver, Shamma Alqassim, Steve Roth, and Vern Vanderbilt
Pre-Game Rhetoric: Pure Motivation or Simply Show?, Sam Alan Hettinger
Pregnancy: A "Teachable Moment" for Weight Control and Obesity Prevention, Suzanne Phelan
Preliminaries to a Feasibility Analysis of the Maglev Proposal of The Southern California Association of Governments for the Region, Cornelius Nuworsoo
Preparation, Crystal Structure, and Physical Properties of a Pyrogallol-bridged Vanadium(III) Complex, Seunghee Lee, Koji Nakanishi, Michael Y. Chiang, Richard B. Frankel, and K. Spartalian
Pre-Registering Print Cylinders on Press, Malcolm G. Keif
Presentation in Spanish To Be Among Engineering Students' Outreach Projects as Part of Engineers Week, Public Affairs Office
Preserving the Midwestern Barn, Hemalata C. Dandekar and Eric Allen MacDonald
President Baker's E-Mail Message to Campus, Public Affairs Office
President Baker's Message to Campus about Student Charles Tamae, Public Affairs Office
President Glidden's Welcome Letter to Faculty and Staff, Public Affairs Office
President of Morehouse College To Be Honored at Cal Poly's Baker Forum April 5, Public Affairs Office
Pretty Lights, Nicholas (Nick) delMas and Matthew (Matt) Maniaci
Prevalence and Correlates of Vitamin D Status in African American Men, Marilyn Tseng, Veda Giri, Deborah W. Bruner, and Edwards Giovannucci
Price Competition Between Two International Firms Facing Tariffs, Eric O'N. Fisher and Charles A. Wilson
Print and Video Games, Rochelle Reyes
Private Sector Shrinkage and the Growth of Industrialized Economies, Michael L. Marlow
Private Sector Shrinkage and the Growth of Industrialized Economies: Reply, Michael L. Marlow
Privatization and Government Size, Michael L. Marlow
Privatization of Water in Latin America: A Case Study in Bolivia, Jason Segers
Process Characterization of the Reactive-Ion Etching of Borosilicate Glass for Microfluidic Channels, Ann Christine Huang
Process Design for Aeration of Facial Prosthetic, Nathaniel J. Urciuoli
Process Improvement for the Department of Surgery Sierra Vista Medical Center, Jessica Paz
Processing Hazardous Materials Risk Information, W. David Conn, William L. Owens, Richard C. Rich, and Jarol B. Manheim
Profiles, Brenda Helmbrecht
Prognostics and Health Management of Batteries and Composites, Ishrat Khatoon, Bhaskar Saha, Abhinav Saxena, and Kai Goebel
Program Promotion and Marketing for the YMCA of San Luis Obispo, California, Corey Marshall
Progress Toward Sustainability in Planning: San Francisco and Montreal
Project: Information Oasis, Katherine O'Clair, Emalee Craft, Jennifer Duvernay, Sheila Hofstetter, and Linda Shackle
Projecting Regional Market Shares for Selected Florida Fresh Market Vegetables, Wayne H. Howard and Arden W. Colette
Project Selection and Process Plan Design for Alternative IME 143/144 Final Project, Joseph S. Anderson and Sarah R. Shackelford
Promoting the Dairy Science Department for International Students, Andres Gomez
Promoting Wellness Programs to College Students: RELAX Program at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Danielle Tucker
Properties of Intracellular Magnetite Crystals Produced by Desulfovibrio magneticus Strain RS-1, Mihály Pósfai, B. M. Moskowitz, Balázs Arató, Dirk Schüler, Christine Flies, Dennis A. Bazylinski, and Richard B. Frankel
Prophet Inequalities for Averages of Independent Non-Negative Random Variables, Theodore P. Hill
Prophet Inequalities for Parallel Processes, Theodore P. Hill and D. P. Kennedy
Proposition 47 Would Bring Cal Poly $37.3 Million to Replace Aging, Substandard Engineering Classrooms and Labs, Design New Architecture Building, Public Affairs Office
Protected IR Input System, Kevin Ersoy
Providing Senior Citizen Mobility at Minimum Public Cost, Cornelius Nuworsoo
Proximate Developmental Mediators of Sexual Dimorphism in Size: Case Studies from Squamate Reptiles, Henry B. John‐Alder, Robert M. Cox, and Emily N. Taylor
Psuedo-Randomly Controlled Analog Synthesizer, Jared Huntington
Public Education Supply and Student Performance, Michael L. Marlow
Public Invited to Experience Cal Poly Special Events at Open House, Public Affairs Office
Public Relations: The Integration of Social Media Tools with Traditional P.R. Strategies, Michaela Bernard
Public Sector Unions and Public Spending, Michael L. Marlow and William Orzechowski
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist To Speak at Cal Poly Conference Nov. 23, Public Affairs Office
Pulling Back the Curtains, Jill K. Estes
Pulse Density Modulated Soft Switching Cycloconverter, Jesse Timothy Adamson
Punching Bag Trainer, Gian Delacruz
Punishment for Noncompliance and Reward for Compliance: A Comparison of Japanese and American Workers, Emiko Kobayashi and Harold R. Kerbo
Purchasing Power Parity and Interest Parity in the Laboratory, Eric O'N. Fisher
Putting Stock in Our Students, Mary McNally
Quadrupole Moment of 57Fem, J. Chappert, Richard B. Frankel, A. Misetich, and N. A. Blum
Quantifying Fire Behavior Versus Societal Benefits of Southern California Shrublands and Grasslands, Christopher Dicus and Maurica A. Zimmerman
Quantifying Seismic Risk for Portable Ground Support Equipment at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Joshua Brian Lowe
Quantile-Locating Functions and the Distance Between the Mean and Quantiles, D. Gilat and Theodore P. Hill
Quantitative Analysis of ICC Profile Quality for Scanners, Xiaoying Rong, Paul D. Fleming, and Abhay Sharma
Quantum Mechanics and Ethical Antirealism: A Counter-analogy to Boyd, Justin Lawson
Quick Facts: What Is Internet2?, Public Affairs Office
Radiation Chemistry of Overirradiated Aqueous Solutions of Hydrogen Cyanide and Ammonium Cyanide, Z. D. Draganić; I. G. Draganić,; J. A. Azamar; S. I. Vujošević; M. Dolores Berber-Jimenez; and A. Negrón-Mendoza
Radical Innovations, Social Revolution, and the Baroque Guitar, Craig H. Russell
Radiofrequency Ablation Catheter, Ryan Razzari and Amand Kasimatis
Radiometric Clocks, Gary B. Hughes
Raiding the Closet: Spring 09 Look Book, Claudia Abrishami
Rainforest Action Network Green Campaign, Shannon Burns
Random Probability Measures with Given Mean and Variance Running title: Random Probability Measures, Lisa Bloomer and Theodore P. Hill
Ratio Comparisons of Supremum and Stop Rule Expectations, Theodore P. Hill and Robert P. Kertz
Rayleigh Flow of Two-Phase Nitrous Oxide as a Hybrid Rocket Nozzle Coolant, Lauren May Nelson
Reaction of Dioxygen with a Cross-Conjugated Carbon-Carbon Double Bond in a Bis-Macrocycle Diiron Compound, D. Brent MacQueen, Christopher Lange, Melvin Calvin, John W. Otvos, Larry O. Spreer, Christian B. Allan, Anna Ganse, and Richard B. Frankel
Reaction Sequence of Iron Sulfide Minerals in Bacteria and Their Use as Biomarkers, Mihály Pósfai, Peter R. Buseck, D. A. Bazylinski, and Richard B. Frankel
Reading Between the Laws: Literary Representations of the French Homosexual, 1942-1981, Alison Veith
Realism in Russian Literature: Capturing Truth and Eliciting Responses, Leanne Lopes
Real-Time, In-Situ Measurement of Film Thickness and Uniformity During Plasma Ashing of Photoresist, Richard N. Savage, Horace Simmons, John T. Davies, and Thomas Metz
Real-Time Visualizations of Ocean Data Collected by the NORUS Glider, Daniel M. Medina
Rebuttal to Monica Hall's Communication, Craig Russell
RE: Cal Poly Homecoming 2002 Feature/Photo Opportunities, Schedule, Public Affairs Office
Receive Sensitivity Characterization of the PolySat Satellite Communication System, Ivan M. Bland
Recognized Anthropologist To Speak On Discovery of Million-Year-Old Pre-Human Fossil, Public Affairs Office
Recommendations for Interdisciplinary Design of Buildings and Other Facilities in Rural East Africa, David A. Lambert
Record Year for Donations to Cal Poly College of Agriculture Brings New Equipment, Programs, Public Affairs Office
Recruiting Gen X and Millennial Employees to Grow Your Business, Malcolm Keif and Lorraine Donegan
Recruitment of Coastal Fishes and Oceanographic Variability in Central California, J. R. Wilson, B. R. Broitman, J. E. Caselle, and D. E. Wendt
Recycling Made Easy: An Ergonomic Approach to Home Recycling and Trash Containers, Landon P. Boisclair
Redesigning src2pkg, a Linux package creation toolkit, Timothy Goya
Red Light Green Light, Cassandra Clawson
Red Marks Don't Always Bleed, Ashley Heidbrink
Redox Capacity of APO Mammalian Ferritin, Gerald D. Watt and Richard B. Frankel
Redox Reactivity of Bacterial and Mammalian Ferritin: Is Reductant Entry Into the Ferritin Interior a Necessary Step for Iron Release?, G. D. Watt, D. Jacobs, and Richard B. Frankel
Reduced Uncertainty of Ground Motion Prediction Equations through Bayesian Variance Analysis, Robb E.S. Moss
Reducing Cluster Power Consumption by Dynamically Suspending Idle Nodes, Brian Michael Oppenheim
Reduction of Mammalian Ferritin, G. D. Watt, Richard B. Frankel, and G. C. Papaefthymiou
Reduction of Potential Fire Behavior in Wildland-urban Interface Communities in Southern California: A Collaborative Approach, Christopher Dicus and Michael E. Scott
Reflectivity of a Cholesteric Liquid Crystal, Justin Lawson
Refractive-Index Measurements of Zinc Germanium Diphosphide at 300 and 77 K by Use of a Modified Michelson Interferometer, Glen D. Gillen and Shekhar Guha
Regalia-Induced resistance in powdery mildew-infected grapevine plants correlates with the induction of chalcone synthase, Thomas Crottogini
Regional Adjustment Response in the U.S. Dairy Sector to Changes in Milk Support Price, Alfons Weersink and Wayne H. Howard
Regs, Kevin Clark
Regularity of digits and significant digits of random variables, Theodore P. Hill and Klaus Schürger
Regulated Deficit Irrigation and Density of Erythroneura spp. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) on Grape, Michael J. Costello
(Re)imagining Taiwan: Taiwanese Cultural Nationalism in Film and Literature, 1970-1990s, Keith Goodwin
Reinvestigation of Liquefaction and Nonliquefaction Case Histories from the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake, Robb E.S. Moss, Robert Kayen, Liyuan Tong, Songyu Liu, Guojun Cai, and Jiaer Wu
Relating Diet, Demographics and Lifestyle to Increasing U.S. Obesity Rates, Christiane Schroeter
Relationship of Copper, Zinc and Selenium Status with Udder Health and Mastitis Incidence in the Cal Poly Holstein Herd, Michelle Van Ryn
Remanence Measurements on Individual Magnetotactic Bacteria Using a Pulsed Magnetic Field, Ietje Penninga, Hendrik de Waard, Bruce M. Moskowitz, Dennis A. Bazylinski, and Richard B. Frankel
Remediation of Soil Hydrophobicity on a Coastal USGA Sand-Based Golf Green, Troy David Thompson
Reproducibility of Reported Nutrient Intake and Supplement Use During A Past Pregnancy: A Report From the Children’s Oncology Group, Jaclyn L.F. Bosco, Marilyn Tseng, Logan G. Spector, Andrew F. Olshan, and Greta R. Bunin
Reproductive Diseases of Dairy Cattle, Christina Suzanne Tortosa
Researching at Cal Poly: My Academic and Personal Experience
Researching, Evaluating, Implementing, and Testing a New Package for an Entrepreneur's Nutrition Bar, Chelsey Delaney Wood
Resistance of the Superconducting Material YBCO, Christopher Safranski
Resonant Absorption Studies with Eu151, D. A. Shirley, Richard B. Frankel, and H. H. Wickman
Response to Dietary Dilution in an Omnivorous Freshwater Turtle: Implications for Ontogenetic Dietary Shifts, Shannon J. McCauley and Karen A. Bjorndal
Restoration of Mixed Conifer Communities Using Prescribed Fire in Bryce Canyon National Park, Michael J. Jenkins, Christopher Dicus, and Joel E. Godfrey
Rethinking AIS: An Innovative Financial Information Systems Curriculum, Joseph Callaghan, Arline Savage, and Eileen Peacock
Review: Amakudari: The Hidden Fabric of Japan's Economy by Richard A. Colignon and Chikako Usiu, Harold R. Kerbo
Review: Learning to Read the Mother Tongue: On Sandra Gilbert's "Blood Pressure", Kevin Clark
Review of Against the Tide: An Intellectual History of Free Trade, Eric O'N. Fisher
Review of Alice Garner, "A Shifting Shore: Locals, Outsiders, and the Transformation of a French Fishing Town, 1823-2000", Barbara Healy Stickel
Review of David P. Szatmary's "Rockin' in Time: A Social History of Rock and Roll", Craig H. Russell
Review of A Manual of California Vegetation by J. Sawyer & T. Keeler-Wolf, David J. Keil
Review of Constitutional Environments and Economic Growth by Gerald W. Scully, Michael L. Marlow
Review of Flora Fanerogamica Del Valle de Mexico, David J. Keil
Review of Fundamentals of Technical Services Management by Sheila S. Intner and Peggy Johnson, Tim Strawn
Review of Guitar and Vihuela: an Annotated Bibliography, by Meredith Alice McCutcheon, Craig H. Russell
Review of John R. Bockstoce, Furs and Frontiers in the Far North: The Contest Among Native and Foreign Nations for the Bering Strait Fur Trade, John Paul Beck
Review of Methods for Modelling Systems Evolution, Charles F. Nicholson
Review of Rebecca Zorach "Blood, Milk, Ink, Gold: Abundance and Excess in the French Renaissance", Giancarlo Fiorenza
Review of Speculative Bubbles, Speculative Attacks, and Policy Switching, Eric O'N. Fisher
Review of The Handbook of International Economics: Volume 3, Eric O'N. Fisher
Review: The Classless Society, by Paul W. Kingston. Stanford, Harold R. Kerbo
Revision of Pectis Section Pectidium (Compositae: Tageteae), David J. Keil
Revitalizing the Shakespeare Press Museum, Alix Katherine Guyot
Rewriting the Passing Novel: Danzy Senna's Caucasia, Kathryn Rummell
RFID Asset Tracking and Digital Check-Out System, Jeffrey (Jeff) Migliore
RFID Modeling, Characterization, and Optimization, Joseph A. Cudrnak
RFID Research and Testing for Packages of Apparel, Consumer Goods and Fresh Produce in the Retail Distribution Environment, S. P. Singh, M. McCartney, Jay Singh, and R. Clarke
RFID Tag Readability Issues with Palletized Loads of Consumer Goods, Jay Singh, Eric Olsen, Keith Vorst, and K. Tripp
Rhetoric, Brenda Helmbrecht
Rhetorical Construction of Gender: How Women are Portrayed in Popular Music Today, Stephanie Colleen Yocum
Rhode Island's Wars: Imperial Conflicts and Provincial Self-Interests in the Ocean Colony, 1739-48, Greg Rogers
Robert J. Cardoza, 59, Modesto Businessman, AAA Chairman, Cal Poly Campaign Co-Chair, Public Affairs Office
Robot Crawling Device and Tee Table, Todd P. Trauman, Kyle M. Colvin, and David Charles Fantz
Robots in War: Issues of Risk and Ethics, Patrick Lin, George A. Bekey, and Keith Abney
Robust High-pass and Notch Gm - (grounded) C Biquads: How Many Different Topologies Are There?, Vladimir I. Prodanov
Rockfish Resources of the South Central California Coast: Analysis of the Resource From Partyboat Data, 1980-2005, John Stephens, Dean Wendt, Debra Wilson-Vandenberg, Jay Carroll, Royden Nakamura, Erin Nakada, Steven Reinecke, and Jono Wilson
Rock Magnetic Criteria for the Detection of Biogenic Magnetite, Bruce M. Moskowitz, Richard B. Frankel, and Dennis A. Bazylinski
Root of All Evil, or Symbol of a Generation?, John Swanson
Rory Fratkin, Baritone, Rory Fratkin
Rostral-Caudal Variation in Troponin T and Parvalbumin Correlates with Differences in Relaxation Rates of Cod Axial Muscle, Tierney M. Thys, Jason M. Blank, and Fred H. Schachat
Russians Come to County To Study Education Reform; To Visit Cal Poly Oct. 8, Public Affairs Office
RV-7 N675CP Lean versus Rich Fuel Mixture Aircraft Performance, Edward Spenser Burgos and William Beaman Howe
SAE Baja: Final Drive Gearbox, Michael McCausland, Michael Watkins, Ian Masterson, and Andrew Sommer
SAFER Hosts Annual Remember Week Events April 13-24 at Cal Poly, Public Affairs Office
Sales Departments in the Graphic Communication Industry, Kendra Searle
Salute to Cal Poly Agribusiness Faculty Icons To Be Held March 1, 2002, Public Affairs Office
Sampling Switch Having an Independent "On" Impedance, Adrian K. Ong, Vladimir I. Prodanov, and Maurice J. Tarsia
San Luis Obispo Child Development Center Identity System, Quyen Trieu
Santiago de Murcia, Craig H. Russell
Santiago de Murcia: The French Connection in Baroque Spain, Craig H. Russell
Satisfaction and Motivation of Attending the Summer Concert Series at Mount Hermon, California, Cera R. Singley
Scale-Distortion Inequalities for Mantissas of Finite Data Sets, Arno Berger, Theodore P. Hill, and Kent E. Morrison
Scale Model Shake Table Testing of Underground Structures in Soft Clay, Victor A. Crosariol
School Breakfast Program: Efficacy and Impact, Amber Ward
School Farm Laboratory at Orestimba High School - Graduate Internship, Lauren S. Stroud
Science and technology resources on the Internet: Selected internet resources on digital research data curation, Brian Westra, Marisa Ramirez, Susan Wells Parham, and Jeanine Marie Scaramozzino
Science, Technology and Skills, Philip Pardey, Jennifer James, Julian Alston, Stanley Wood, Bonwoo Koo, Eran Binenbaum, Terrance Hurley, and Paul Glewwe
Scott Charvet, percussion, Scott Charvet
Screen Printing Scheduling Methodology, Brandon Wolfe and Kyle Naylor
Seasonal Steroid Hormone Levels and Their Relation to Reproduction in the Western Diamond-Backed Rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox (Serpentes: Viperidae), Emily N. Taylor, Dale F. DeNardo, and David H. Jennings
Second Annual Catalogue of the California Polytechnic School 1904-1905, Academic Affairs, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo
Second Time is a Charm: The Impact of Correcting Missed Exam Questions on Student Learning, Christiane Schroeter, Steven V. Green, and Erin Bess
Seeing Pennsylvania as the Keystone of the Revolution: Charles H. Lincoln's Treatment of Ethnicity, Greg Rogers
Seismic Analysis of Buildings to Recorded Motions, Rakesh K. Goel
Selecting, Marketing and Rebuilding a Herd of Genetically Superior Animals, Katherine Rector
Selling Your Lip for a Taste of Freedom, Collin Tateishi
Semiconductor Wafer Processing System With Vertically-Stacked Process Chambers and Single-Axis Dual-Wafer Transfer System, Richard N. Savage, Frank S. Menagh, Helder R. Carvalheira, Philip A. Troiani, Dan L. Cossentine, Eric R. Vaughan, and Bruce E. Mayer
Senderos de mi vida, Brooke Lindsey Alderman
Senior Project Artist Book, Adam Wirdak
Senior Project: Global Position Determination from Observed Relative Position of Celestial Bodies, Michael Holmes
Sense of Community and Neighborhood Design: A Comparative Case Study of Four Arroyo Grande Neighborhoods, Jamie Kathleen Smith Miss.
Sense of Place and Design, Rachelle Lopez
Separation, Kevin Clark
September 11 Observance Transcript, Public Affairs Office
September 15, 2010 Cal Poly Report, Public Affairs Office
September 22, 2010 Cal Poly Report, Public Affairs Office
September 29, 2010 Cal Poly Report, Public Affairs Office
Sequential Interferometric Techniques for Measuring Independent Values of the Refractive Index and Material Thickness of Semiconductor Wafers, Glen D. Gillen and Shekhar Guha
Serra and Sacred Song at the Founding of California's First Missions, Craig Russell
Serum Ferritin Concentration and Recurrence of Colorectal Adenoma, Marilyn Tseng, E. Robert Greenberg, Robert S. Sandler, John A. Baron, Robert W. Haile, Baruch S. Blumberg, and Katherine A. McGlynn
Setting Agricultural Science Strategy in Tumultuous Economic Times, Jennifer S. James, Julian M. Alston, and Philip G. Pardey
Sexual Size Dimorphism and Growth Plasticity in Snakes: an Experiment on the Western Diamond‐Backed Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox), Emily N, Taylor and Dale F. Denardo
Shake Table Testing to Quantify Seismic Soil Structure Interaction of Underground Structures, Robb E.S. Moss, Vic Crosariol, and Steven Kuo
Shallow Water Modeling of Antarctic Bottom Water Crossing the Equator, Paul F. Choboter and Gordon E. Swaters
Shamings, Michael Miller
Sharp Inequalities for Optimal Stopping with Rewards Based on Ranks, Theodore P. Hill and D. P. Kennedy
Sheep, Nicole C. Webster
Shock Effects on Delta Wing Vortex Breakdown, Lucy A. Schiavetta, Okko J. Boelens, Simone Crippa, Russell M. Cummings, Willy Fritz, and Ken J. Badcock
Shock Layer Instability near the Newtonian Limit of Hypervelocity Flows, H. G. Hornung and P. Lemieux
Short-term Progressive Resistance Training Increases Strength and Lean Body Mass in Adults Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Ronenn Roubenoff, Ann McDermott, Lauren Weiss, Juliet Suri, Michael Wood, Rina Bloch, and Sherwood Gorbach
Shoulder Rehabilitation for the Injured Overhead-Throwing Athlete, Joshua M. Raskoff
Should Women Vote?, E. Thomas Ewing, Heather L. Gumbert, David Hicks, Amy Nelson, Robert P. Stephens, and Jane L. Lehr
Shriveled Veins of My Stories, Jacob W. Franks
Sign Change of Induced Hyperfine Fields in the 5p Shell, Richard B. Frankel, J. J. Huntzicker, E. Matthias, S. S. Rosenblum, and N. J. Stone
Sign Language Glove, Nicholas Born
Sign of the Electric Field Gradient Tensor and the Nature of the Low Temperature Phase Transition in Fe(Pyridine)2Cl2, W. M. Reiff, Richard B. Frankel, B. F. Little, and Gary J. Long
Sign Up for Summer Veggies at Cal Poly Organic Farm, Public Affairs Office
Silicone Foul Release Coatings: Effect of the Interaction of Oil and Coating Functionalities on the Magnitude of Macrofouling Attachment Strengths, Judith Stein, Kathryn Truby, Christina Darkangelo Wood, Jeff Stein, Martha Gardner, Geoffrey Swain, Christopher Kavanagh, Brett Kovach, Michael Schultz, Deborah Wiebe, Eric Holm, Jean Montemarano, Dean Wendt, Celia Smith, and Anne Meyer
Simple Rail-to-Rail Constant-Transconductance Input Stage Operating in Strong Inversion, Vladimir I. Prodanov and Michael M. Green
Simpler Packaging, Tomiko Oden
Simplification of the Stratton-Chu Vector Diffraction Integrals and Application to Light Propagation through Curved Surfaces, Shekhar Guha and Glen D. Gillen
Simplified Procedure for Seismic Evaluation of Piles with Partial-Moment Connection to the Deck in Marine Oil Terminals, Rakesh K. Goel
Simplified Procedures for Seismic Analysis and Design of Piers and Wharves in Marine Oil and LNG Terminals, Rakesh K. Goel
Simulation of Cal Poly SuPER System SimuLink Model using Insolation Variation, Jacob Kory
Simulation of Three-Fold Symmetric Photonic Crystal Structures on Top of GaN LEDs, Simeon Trieu, Xiaomin Jin, Chang Xiong, Xingxing Fu, Xiangning Kang, Guoyi Zhang, and Bei Zhang
Single Curved Fiber Sedimentation Under Gravity, Xiaoying Rong, Dewei Qi, Guowei He, Jun Yong Zhu, and Tim Scott
Single-Ended Tube-Based Guitar Amplifier, Joseph (Joe) Linn
Single Magnetic Domains in Magnetotactic Bacteria, Richard B. Frankel, Jin-Ping Zhang, and Dennis A. Bazylinski
Sings With His Tongue on Fire, Aaron Jahoda
Singularly Perturbed Control Systems Using Non-commutative Computer Algebra, J. W. Helton, F. Dell Kronewitter, W. M. McEneaney, and Mark Stankus
Size Matters: Why Managers Should Pursue Corporate Growth, Even at the Expense of Shareholder Value, John Dobson
Sizing of Header and Flushing Manifolds for Row Crop Drip, Charles M. Burt and Stuart W. Styles
SLO Community Gets Involved at Cal Poly Open House, Public Affairs Office
Slow, Fast and In Between: Habitat Distribution and Behaviour of Larvae in Nine Species of Libellulid Dragonfly, Shannon J. McCauley
Slow Time: Reading the Work of Scarpa, Marc J. Neveu
Small Business and Industrial Engineering Tools, Adib Behjat
Small Fires, Kevin Clark
Small Heat Shock Protein Responses Differ between Chaparral Shrubs from Contrasting Microclimates, Charles A. Knight
Smallholder Dairying under Transactions Costs in East Africa, Steven Staal, Christopher L. Delgado, and Charles F. Nicholson
Smoking Bans and Air Quality: Reply, Michael L. Marlow
Smoking Laws and Their Differential Effects on Restaurants, Bars, and Taverns, John Dunham and Michael L. Marlow
SMORE Phase 2: An Upgrade in Valve Systems & Startup Procedure for A Small Methanol Oxygen Liquid Rocket Engine, Christian Soria
SNMP Integration into the CygNet SCADA System, Paul Fake
Social Problems, Harold R. Kerbo and James W. Coleman
Social Sciences Career Exploration Day and Resume Workshop, Lauren Cook, Danielle Gillett, and Shari Worthington
Social Sciences Career Exploration Day and Resume Workshop, Tara Litke, Matthew Greenberg, and Haley Zahner
Social Stratification, Harold R. Kerbo
Society’s Effects on Women’s Body Image, Ashley Grebe
“Soft” Anharmonic Vortex Glass in Ferromagnetic Superconductors, Leo Radzihovsky, A. M. Ettouhami, Karl Saunders, and John Toner
Soil Infiltration Study: Measuring the Difference in Leachate Quality Between Surface Compost Application and Incorporated Compost Application, Christopher Gallo and Kristin Roberts
Soil, Plant and Cattle Nutrient Dynamics on Pastures of the Western Amazon of Brazil, B. Rueda, R. W. Blake, E. Fernandes, Charles F. Nicholson, and J. F. Valentim
Solar Array Suspension Mechanism Final Design Report for ATK Space, Alex Gould, Randon Kruse, Jeremy Graul, and Patrick Barney
Solar Panel Experiment, John Hauger
Solar Panel Tracker, Andrew Hsing
Solar Turbines: Abradable Seal, Jason Fong, Andrew Pease, and Trevor Plaine
Solder Qwik PenTM, Katherine E. Robbins
Solve with Sustainability: A Proposal for a Zero-Emission Transit System at Cal Poly, Alex Vincent
Solving the Data Deluge Problem, Jens G. Pohl
Some Systemic Issues in the Development of the Aerospace Industry Technical Workforce of the Future, John H. McMasters and Russell M. Cummings
Some Thoughts on Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire, David Hennessee
Sources of Variability in the Column Photosynthetic Cross Section for Antarctic Coastal Waters, Mark A. Moline, Herve Claustre, and Barbara B. Prezelin
South-seeking Magnetotactic Bacteria in the Southern Hemisphere, R. P. Blakemore, Richard B. Frankel, and Ad. J. Kalmijn
Soziale Ungleichheit und gesellschaftliche Integration. Ein Vergleich von USA, Japan und Deutschland, Brigitte Hamm, Dieter Hotlmann, Harold R. Kerbo, and Hermann Strasser
Space Communication Channel Emulation Using Digital and Analog Signal Processing, Tom Hickok
Space-time adaptive processing with multi-staged Wiener filter and principal component signal dependent algorithms, Zheng N. Zhou
Spain in the Enlightenment, C. H. Russell
Spatial and Temporal Approaches in Analyzine Recreational Groundfish Data From Southern Central California and Their Application Toward Marine Protected Areas, Steven J. Rienecke, John S. Stephens Jr., Royden Nakamura, Erin Nakada, and Dean E. Wendt
Spatial and Temporal Temperature Distributions in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, James L. Hanson, Nazli Yesiller, and Nicolas K. Oettle
Spatial Variability of Levees as Measured Using the CPT, Robb E.S. Moss, J. C. Hollenback, and J. Ng
Spatiotemporal Distribution of Marine Magnetotactic Bacteria in a Seasonally Stratified Coastal Salt Pond, S. L. Simmons, S. M. Sievert, Richard B. Frankel, Dennis A. Bazylinski, and K. J. Edwards
Speakers To Address History and Peace in Middle East, Public Affairs Office
Speciation of Cr (III) and Cr (VI) Via Reversed Phase HPLC With Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopic Detection (HPLC-ICP)24, Richard N. Savage; I. S. Krull; D. Bushee; R. G. Schleicher; and S. B. Smith, Jr.
Spectral Reflectance From a Broccoli Crop With Vegetation or Soilias Background: Influence on Immigration by Brevicoryne brassicae and Myzus persicae, Michael J. Costello
Spending, School Structure, and Public Education Quality. Evidence From California, Michael L. Marlow
Spider and Leafhopper (Erythroneura spp.) Response to Vineyard Ground Cover, Michael J. Costello and Kent M. Daane
Spider (Araneae) Species Composition and Seasonal Abundance in San Joaquin Valley Grape Vineyards, Michael J. Costello and Kent M. Daane
Split-Root Nutrition of Sweetpotato in Hydroponic Systems, M. A. Sherif, P. A. Loretan, A. A. Trotman, D. G. Mortley, J. Y. Lu, and Lauren C. Garner
Spontaneous Hybridization between Maize and Teosinte, Norman C. Ellstrand, Lauren C. Garner, Subray Hedge, Roberto Guadagnuolo, and Lesley Blancas
Standalone Antenna Demonstration System, Alexander James Hempy
Stand Density Effects on Biomass Allocation Patterns and Subsequent Soil Nitrogen Demand, Christopher Dicus and Thomas J. Dean
STAR - Science Teacher and Researcher Program, Center for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education
STAR - Science Teacher and Researcher Program, Science Teacher and Researcher Program
State's Best High School Musicians to Perform at Cal Poly on April 18, Public Affairs Office
State Space Model of a Light Weight Flexible Telescope, Chi-Yeh Hsu
Static and Fatigue Failure Response of Woven Carbon Fiber Specimens with Double Edge Notches, Ahmad J. Amini
Static Magnetic Susceptibility of Zn1-xMnxSe, J. K. Furdyna, N. Samarth, Richard B. Frankel, and J. Spalek
Statistical Analysis of Texas Holdem Poker, Daniel Bragonier
Statistical Power Analysis Using SAS and R, Peter Osmena
Statistical Quality Control in the Health Care Industry, Roberto Arce
Stature, Kevin Clark
Steady-State Creep Deformation of Investment Cast Near-Gamma Titanium Aluminide, D. A. Wheeler, B. London, and D. E. Larsen Jr.
Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, Sara Adams
St. Jude Medical: Enhanced MICS (eMICS), Devanshi Shah
St. Jude Medical: ST Monitoring, Anna Marie Kinney
ST Monitoring on the Programmer for Implantable Cardioverter Devices, Sarina Satya
Stochastic Dynamics of Music Album Lifecycle: An Analysis of the New Market Landscape, Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ram D. Gopal, Kaveepan Lertwachara, and James R. Marsden
Stock and Root, Kevin Clark
Stop Rule Inequalities for Uniformly Bounded Sequences of Random Variables, Theodore P. Hill and Robert P. Kertz
Strategic Planning and Performance: Helping Directors and Managers Communicate, Jay E. Noel and David J. Schaffner
Strategies for Effective Risk Communication Under Sara Title III: Perspectives From Research and Practice, Richard C. Rich, W. David Conn, and William L. Owens
Stress-Induced Angular Momentum Quenching in MgO: Fe2+ as Observed by Mössbauer Spectroscopy, J. Chappert, A. Misetich, Richard B. Frankel, and N. A. Blum
Strider, Eric Johnson, Alex Trask, and Ricardo Garcia
Strong Laws for L- and U-Statistics, J. Aaronson, R. Burton, H. Dehling, D. Gilat, Theodore P. Hill, and B. Weiss
Strongly-Consistent, Distribution-Free Confidence Intervals for Quantiles, David Gilat and Theodore P. Hill
Structural Changes in U.S. Agricultural Production and Productivity, Jennifer S. James, Julian M. Alston, Philip G. Pardey, and Matthew A. Andersen
Structure and Function of Magnetosomes in Magnetotactic Bateria, Richard B. Frankel and Dennis A. Bazylinski
Structure and Morphology of Magnetite Anaerobically-Produced by a Marine Magnetotactic Bacterium and a Dissimilatory Iron-Reducing Bacterium, N. H. C. Sparks, Stephen Mann, D. A. Bazylinski, D. R. Lovley, H. W. Jannasch, and Richard B. Frankel
Structure, Morphology and Crystal Growth of Bacterial Magnetite, Stephen Mann, Richard B. Frankel, and Richard P. Blakemore
Structure, Morphology and Growth of Biogenic Greigite (Fe3S4), Brigid R. Heywood, Stephen Mann, and Richard B. Frankel
Structure-Property Relationships of Silicone Biofouling-Release Coatings: Effect of Silicone Network Architecture on Pseudobarnacle Attachment Strengths, Judith Stein, Kathryn Truby, Christina Darkangelo Wood, Michael Takemori, Michael Vallance, Geoffrey Swain, Christopher Kavanagh, Brett Kovach, Michael Schultz, Deborah Wiebe, Eric Holm, Jean Montemarano, Dean Wendt, Celia Smith, and Anne Meyer
Student Intellectual Property, John Baumwoll and Lance Woodcock
Student Sample Perceptions of Organic Food Products and Buying Habits, Alycia M. Deus
Students Beliefs About the Benefits of Travel and Leisure: A Qualitative Analysis, Corbie E. Smith
Students to Vote on Cal Poly Quarterly Fee Increase March 13, 14, Public Affairs Office
Studies on Real-Valued Negative Selection Algorithms for Self-Nonself Discrimination, Shane E. Dixon
Study of Accretion Effects of Transients in LMXB System, Quentin Lamicq
Study of Iron in Magnetotactic Bacteria, Richard B. Frankel and Richard P. Blakemore
Study Questions for Actuarial Exam 2/FM, Aaron Hardiek
Submitting your Work: Fresh Voices 2007 - 2008
Submitting Your Work: Fresh Voices 2009 - 2010
Success of a Gardener, Vanessa Saldana
Sulfur Characterization of Biochar, Shealyn Malone and Singfoong Cheah
Summer-Long Construction at Cal Poly University Union Reveals New Student Epicenter Three-Year Union Renovation Plans to Continue, Public Affairs Office
SunPower T0 Washing System, Charlie Joy, Atlund Smith, David Hohn, and Eric Wallace
Sunspots in the Laboratory, John Duffy and Eric O'N. Fisher
Super Barrier Rectifier—A New Generation of Power Diode, Vladimir Rodov, Alexei L. Ankoudinov, and Taufik
Supermileage Seat and Wheel Development and Production: Final Report, James Casey Alvernaz, Verent Chan, Brian Hamstrom, David Lewis, and James Sciaini
Supermileage Team - Urban Concept Competition Vehicle Chassis Design Report, Andrew Allport, Kevin Braico, Kevin Charles, George Kyi, and William Lai
Supersonic, Turbulent Flow Computation and Drag Optimization for Axisymmetric Afterbodies, Russell M. Cummings, H. T. Yang, and Y. H. Oh
Support for Computer Users: Concept Development and Measurement, Mary Helen Fagan, Barbara Ross Wooldridge, and Stern Neill
Suppressed Nitrogen Evolution From Coal-Derived Soot And Low-Volatility Coal Chars, John C. Chen and Stephen Niksa
Surgical Removal of Right-to-Left Cardiac Shunt in the American Alligator (Alligator Mississippiensis) Causes Ventricular Enlargement But Does Not Alter Apnoea or Metabolism During Diving, John Eme, June Gwalthney, Jason M. Blank, Tomasz Owerkowicz, Gildardo Barron, and James W. Hicks
Survey Analysis of Wine Label Preferences, Holly McGinty
Survey of Meteorite Samples for 92Nb, 98Tc, and 60Fe using Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Robert Maxwell
Surviving our Industry Meltdown
Sustainability and Contemporary Urbanism in Brazil, Vicente del Rio
Sustainability in Packaging: a study of trends, ideas, and perceptions of sustainability as it relates to packaging, Leslie Herrmann
Sustainable Agriculture: A Time for Education, Kortnie Millhouse
Sustainable Balance of Trade Deficits, Eric O'N. Fisher
Sustained Growth in the Model of Overlapping Generations, Eric O'N. Fisher
SWaMP: Surface Water Monitoring Project, Arron Apperson and Vern Vanderbilt
Switching Circuit for a Permanent Magnet DC Motor, Alex Boatman
Synopsis of the Florida Species of Pectis (Asteraceae), David J. Keil
Synthetic Analogs of Active Sites of Iron-Sulfur Proteins: Bis (o-Xylyldithiolato) Ferrate (III) Monoanion, a Structurally Unconstrained Model for the Rubredoxin Fe-S4 Unit, R. W. Lane, James A. Ibers, Richard B. Frankel, and R. H. Holm
Synthetic Analogs of the Active Sites of Iron-Sulfur Proteins. Structure and Properties of Bis[o-xylyldithiolato-μ2-sulfidoferrate(III)], an Analog of the 2Fe-2S Proteins, J. J. Mayerle, Richard B. Frankel, R. H. Holm, James A. Ibers, W. D. Phillips, and J. F. Weiher
Synthetic Analogs of the Active Sites of Iron-Sulfur Proteins. VIII. Some Electronic Properties of [Fe4S4(SR)4]3; Analogs of Reduced Bacterial Ferredoxins, R. B. Frankel, T. Herskovitz, B. A. Averill, R. H. Holm, P. J. Krusic, and W. D. Phillips
Synthetic Analogs of the Active Sites of Oxidized and Reduced Rubredoxin, Richard B. Frankel, G. C. Papaefthymiou, R. W. Lane, and R. H. Holm
System and Method for an IF-Sampling Transceiver, Jack P. Glas and Vladimir I. Prodanov
System and Method for Differential Data Collection, Jack P. Glas and Vladimir I. Prodanov
Systematics of Isocarpha (Compositae: Eupatorieae), David J. Keil and Tod F. Stuessy
System Integration and Attitude Control of a Low-Cost Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics Simulator, Ryan L. Kinnett
Systems Engineering Analysis and Digital Communication Bus Design for the Cal Poly SuPER Project, Matt Marcus Camack
Tall Fescue (Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) S.J. Darbyshire) Cultivar Performance in the Central California Coastal Region, Seril Shimizu
Tasting Room Insights From San Luis Obispo County, Kathryn Vogt and Wayne Howard
Taxes and Quality: A Market-Level Analysis, Jennifer S. James and Julian M. Alston
Taxonomy, Biogeography and Pest Status of Marmara sp. in Northern Mexico and California Citrus Production, Paul Semet
Teaching Corporate Culture: An Engineer's Survival Guide, Richard N. Savage
Teaching in South America, Kevin Perez
Teaching Sustainability Analysis in Electrical Engineering Lab Courses, David Braun
Team-of-the-Decade Honors for both Cal Poly Men’s and Women’s Water Polo, Public Affairs Office
Technical Change and Applications of Dynamic Duality to Agriculture: Reply, Wayne H. Howard and Richard C. Shumway
Technological Choice: California Wild Rice Processing Under Uncertain Demand, Jay E. Noel, James J. Ahern, Jess Errecarte, and Kyle Schroeder
Technology and You: Working with the Aerospace Industry to Enhance Engineering Education, Russell M. Cummings and John H. McMasters
Technology in Engineering Education: What Do the Faculty Know (and Want) Anyway?, John C. Chen, Michael Ellis, Jason Lockhart, Sameer Hamoush, and Catherine E. Brawner
Temperature Affects Adhesion of the Acorn Barnacle (Balanus amphitrite), Laurel A. Johnston
Temperature-dependent Refractive Index Measurements of Wafer-shaped InAs and InSb, Glen D. Gillen, Chris DiRocco, Peter Powers, and Shekhar Guha
Temperature Effects on Metabolic Rate of Juvenile Pacific Bluefin Tuna Thunnus Orientalis, Jason M. Blank, Jeffery M. Morrissette, Charles J. Farwell, Mathew Price, Robert J. Schallert, and Barbara A. Block
Temporal and Spatial Variations in Macrofouling of Silicone Fouling-Release Coatings, Christina Darkangelo Wood, Kathryn Truby, Judith Stein, Deborah Wiebe, Eric Holm, Dean Wendt, Celia Smith, Christopher Kavanagh, Jean Montemarano, Geoff Swain, and Anne Meyer
Temporal Dynamics of Coastal Antarctic Phytoplankton: Environmental Driving Forces and Impact of 1991/92 Summer Diatom Bloom on the Nutrient Regimes, Mark A. Moline, Barbara B. Prezelin, Oscar Schofield, and Raymond C. Smith
Terry Hoage Vineyard Re-Design, Sara Hamling
Testing Purchasing Power Parity under the Null Hypothesis of Co-Integration, Eric O'N. Fisher and Yoon Y. Park
Tetracycloalkenyl-meso-tetraphenylporphyrins as Models for the Effect of Non-planarity on the Light Absorption Properties of Photosynthetic Chromophores, Craig J. Medforth, M. Dolores Berber-Jiménez, Kevin M. Smith, and John A. Shelnutt
Textured Hierarchical Precomputed Radiance Transfer, Harrison Lee McKenzie Chapter
The Advantage of Using Non-Measurable Stop Rules, Theodore P. Hill and Victor C. Prestien
The Anatomy of an Oil Price Shock, Eric O'N. Fisher and Kathryn G. Marshall
The Anomalous Mössbauer Fraction of Ferritin and Polysaccharide Iron Complex (PIC), M. E. Y. Mohie-Eldin, Richard B. Frankel, L. Gunther, and G. C. Papaefthymiou
The Applications and Limitations of Printable Batteries, Matthew Delmanowski
The Assignment, Kevin Clark
The Ballet Model in Engineering Classes – What Works, What Doesn't, and What's New, Blair London and Lisa Deyo
The Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats: A Study in Ruling Class Cohesiveness by William G. Domhoff, Harold R. Kerbo
The "Broken Home" or Broken Society: A Sociological Study of Family Structure and Juvenile Delinquency, Hillary R. Sheehan
The BUSTin' and Bitchin' Ethe of Third-Wave Zines, Brenda M. Helmbrecht and Meredith A. Love
The California Polytechnic Bulletin 1927-1928, Academic Affairs, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo
The California Polytechnic Bulletin With Junior College Division 1928-29, Academic Affairs, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo
The Causal Relationship Between Social Security and the Federal Budget, Mark W. Crain and Michael L. Marlow
"The China Lobby": Influences on U.S.-China Foreign Policy in the Post War Period, 1949-1954, Jeff Blackwell
The Climate of Cities, Matthew J. Downing
The Critical Decision Vortex: Lessons From the Emergency Room, Jean-François Coget and Eugene Keller
The Crop-Livestock Subsystem and Livelihood Dynamics in the Harar Highlands of Ethiopia, Habtemariam Kassa, Robert W. Blake, and Charles F. Nicholson
The Customer-Responsiveness of Web-to-Print, Robert Coleman Pringle
The Demise of Aerospace, Part 2. We Doubt It., John H. McMasters and Russell M. Cummings
The Democratic Classroom: Challenging Traditional Teaching Methods While Challenging the Status Quo of Inequality, Stephanie Laufenberg
The Design and Manufacture of a Light Emitting Diode Package for General Lighting, Michael S. Krist
The Determinants of Off-Budget Activity of State and Local Governments, Michael L. Marlow and David Joulfaian
The Development and Validation of a Finite Element Model of a Canine Rib For Use With a Bone Remodeling Algorithm., Scott J. Sylliaasen
The Difficulty of Faking Data, Theodore P. Hill
The discovery of magnetotactic/magnetosensitive bacteria, Richard B. Frankel
The Driving Forces and Resultant Effects of Global Food Crises: Development Reconsidered in a Time of Need, Quinn Lewis
The Dynamic Effects of Agricultural Subsidies in the United States, Harry de Gorter and Eric O'N. Fisher
The Ecology of Welfare: Housing and the Welfare Crisis in New York City by George S. Sternlieb and Bernard P. Indik, Harold R. Kerbo
The Economic Benefits of New Information Technology, Wayne H. Howard, Glenn Fox, and Calum Turvey
The Economic Feasibility of Forming A California Wheat Cooperative, Jay E. Noel, James J. Ahern, David J. Schaffner, Jill Johnson, Kristina Muelrath, and Kyle Schroeder
The Economic Impact of the Stanislaus County Food Processing Industry and the Food Processing By-Products Use Program, Jay E. Noel, Sean P. Hurley, and Jessica Bylsma
The Economic Incidence of Smoking Laws, John Dunham and Michael L. Marlow
The Economics of Agricultural R&D, Julian M. Alston, Philip G. Pardey, Jennifer S. James, and Matthew A. Andersen
The Economics of Enforcement: The Case of OSHA, Michael L. Marlow
The Effect of Digital Sharing Technologies on Music Markets: A Survival Analysis of Albums on Ranking Charts, Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ram D. Gopal, Kaveepan Lertwachara, James R. Marsden, and Rahul Telang
The Effect of Strategic Complexity on Marketing Strategy and Organizational Performance, Stern Neill and Gregory M. Rose
The Effect of the Predator on His Prey, Alicia E. Freeman
The Effect of Zilpaterol Hydrochloride on Meat Quality of Calf-Fed Holstein Steers, S. F. Holmer; D. M. Fernandez- Duenas; S. M. Scramlin; C. M. Souza; D. D. Boler; F. K. McKeith; J. Killefer; R. J. Delmore; J. L. Beckett; T. E. Lawrence; D. L. VanOverbeke; G. G. Hilton; M. E. Dikeman; J. C. Brooks; R. A. Zinn; M. N. Streeter; J. P. Hutcheson; W. T. Nichols; D. M. Allen; and D. A, Yates
The Effects of a Combined Supplementation of Creatine and Sodium Bicarbonate on Repeated Sprint Performance, James Jeremy Barber M.S., C.S.C.S.; Todd Hagobian Ph.D.; Karen McGaughey Ph.D.; Ann Yelmokas McDermott Ph.D., M.S., LDN; and Jennifer Davis Olmstead M.S., C.S.C.S.
The Effects of Applied Strain and Heat Treatment on the Properties of NiTi Wire During Shape Setting, Frank Zapoticla
The Effects of Dispersal and Recruitment Limitation on Community Structure of Odonates in Artificial Ponds, Shannon J. McCauley
The Effects of Hiking Pole Use on Physiological Variables and Rate of Perceived Exertion While Hiking Uphill, Sunny Blue Atchison
The Effects of Maltreatment on Children’s Moral Development, Jennifer Joy Kreps and Teresa Gonzalez
The Effects of Smoking Laws on Seating Allocations of Restaurants, Bars, and Taverns, John Dunham and Michael L. Marlow
The Effects of Zilpaterol Hydrochloride on Carcass Cutability and Tenderness of Calf-Fed Holstein Steers, A. J. Garmyn, J. N. Shook, D. L. VanOverbeke, J. L. Beckett, Robert J. Delmore, D. A. Yates, D. M. Allen, and G. G. Hilton
The Efficient Mix of Staffing Resources, Michael L. Marlow
The Empirical Reliability of Monetary Aggregates as Indicators, Michael R. Darby, Angelo R. Mascaro, and Michael L. Marlow
The Empirical Side of the Power Elite Debate: An Assessment and Critique of Recent Research, Harold R. Kerbo and Richard L. Della Fave
The Evaluation of Social Costs and Benefits, W. David Conn
The evolution of seeds, Ada Linkies, Kai Graeber, Charles A. Knight, and Gerhard Leubner-Metzger
The Existence of Good Markov Strategies for Decision Processes with General Payoffs, Theodore P. Hill and Victor C. Prestien
The Expression Pattern of the Tonoplast Intrinsic Protein γ-TIP in Arabidopsis thaliana Is Correlated With Cell Enlargement, Edward Himelblau, Herman Hofte, Dolors Ludevid, and Maarten J. Chrispeels
The Ex-Priest, Kevin Clark
'The Father of Us All': The Cold War Liberalism of Reinhold Niebuhr and the Paradox of America's Moral Insecurity, Kendall S. Eyster
The Fifth Amendment & the Endangered Species Act: An Examination of Regulatory Takings & the California Water Crisis, Wesley Lawrence Carlson
The Financial Impact of Animal Related Phosphorus Management on Vermont Dairy Farms, Alyssa Dodd, Catherine Halbrendt, and Charles F. Nicholson
The Forward Premium in a Model with Heterogeneous Prior Beliefs, Eric O'N. Fisher
The Gift, Kevin Clark
The Globally Competent Engineer: Working Effectively with People Who Define Problems Differently, Gary Lee Downey, Juan C. Lucena, Barbara M. Moskal, Rosamond Parkhurst, Thomas Bigely, Chris Hays, Brent K. Jesiek, Liam Kelly, Jonson Miller, Sharon Ruff, Jane L. Lehr, and Amy Nichols-Belo
The Graduation Writing Requirement
The Growing Effects the Organic Food Industry has on the Conusmers of San Luis Obispo County, Jennifer Azevedo
The Hairless-Obese Mouse, William D. Stansfield
The Happy Accidents of Teaching Aircraft Design, David W. Hall and Russell M. Cummings
The Heat-Shock Response: Its Variation, Regulation and Ecological Importance in Intertidal Gastropods (Genus Tegula), Lars Tomanek
The Housewife's Battle on the Home Front: Women in World War II Advertisements, Caroline Cornell
The Impact of California's Changing Environmental Regulations on Timber Harvest Planning Costs, Richard P. Thompson and Christopher Dicus
The Impact of Different Government Units in the Regulation of the Workplace Environment, Michael L. Marlow
The Impact of Economic Factors on Consumer Health, Christiane Schroeter and Jayson L. Lusk
The Impact of Health Information and Demographic Changes on Aggregate Meat Demand, Christiane Schroeter and Ken Foster
The Impact of Health Information and Women in the Work Force on Aggregate Meat Demand, Christiane Schroeter and Ken Foster
The Impact of Market Structure on Agricultural Technology Transfer, Charles F. Nicholson
The Impact of National Institutional Context on Social Practices: Comparing Finnish and US Business Communities, Jill M. Purdy, Elizabeth A. Alexander, and Stern Neill
The Impacts of Climate Change in Coastal Marine Systems, Christopher D.G. Harley, A. Randall Hughes, Kristin M. Hultgren, Benjamin G. Miner, Cascade J.B. Sorte, Carol S. Thornber, Laura F. Rodriguez, Lars Tomanek, and Susan L. Williams
The Impacts of Coffee Production on Local Producers, Danielle Cleland
The Impacts of Dairy Cattle Ownership on the Nutritional Status of Preschool Children in Coastal Kenya, Charles F. Nicholson and Phillip K. Thornton
The Implementation of a Conceptually Coherent Curriculum within a Constructivist Preschool Environment, Heather Jones and Sarah Post
The Incidence of Agricultural Policy, Julian M. Alston and Jennifer S. James
The Influence of Music on the Development of Children, Theresa Riforgiate and Christopher Chau
The Influence of Private School Enrollment on Public School Performance, Michael L. Marlow
The Influence of Special District Government on Public Spending and Debt, Michael L. Marlow
The Influence of Vegetation and Landscape Position on Soil Temperature Change in a Sagebrush-Steppe Eastern Sierra Environment: Implications on Soil Taxonomy, Nathan Michael Lurie
The Influence of Viscosity and Surface Curvature on the Pressure Distribution of a Stream Thrust Probe, Renee Pasman and Russell M. Cummings
The International Effects of U.S. Farm Subsidies, Eric O'N. Fisher and Harry de Gorter
The Internet, Social Networks and Loneliness, Jean-François Coget, Yutaka Yamauchi, and Michael Suman
The Junior College Division of The California Polytechnic 1930-1931, Academic Affairs, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo
The Junior College Division of The California Polytechnic 1931-1932, Academic Affairs, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo
The Library as a Student Research Site, Anna Gold
The Library as Publisher?: Collecting and Curating for Digital Repositories, Timothy T. Strawn
The Lied of Five German Composers, Whitney Laine Westbrook
The longitude problem from the 1700s to today: An international and general education physics course, Thomas J. Bensky
The Magic ATM, Amber Iraeta, Jason Sy, and August Brower
The Malawi Project: From Conventional to Holistic Decision Making, Grace Wetmore
The Mechanical and Thick Section Bending Behavior of Friction Stir Processed Aluminum Plate, D. Hilbert, C. Fuller, M. Mahoney, and B. London
The Most Powerful Weapon, Emily Goldin
The Motivations and Satisfactions of Hunting with Non-Typical Outfitters, Heidi Diestel
The Natural History of Planet Earth ISE Project Summary, Robert Field
The Nature of Myth, Emma Scott
The Need for Effective Visual Communication: How Website Design Can Further the Success of the Cal Poly Women’s Lacrosse Team, Bonnie J. Burtis
The Neglect of Socioeconomic Research by US Energy and Environmental Agencies, W. David Conn
The Neighbor, Kevin Clark
The New Charter of Athens: A Commentary
The New Naturalism and the New Nature Poet: Ralph Black’s Lyric of Doubt, Kevin Clark
The Next Generation CubeSat: A Modular and Adaptable CubeSat Frame Design, James Dolengewicz, Lucas Whipple, and Stephanie Wong
"The Only Band That Matters": An Analysis of the Relationship Between Punk Rock and Culture, Dillon Ferdinandi
The Optimal Warehouse Location for Cal Poly's Campus Dining, Robert Buie
The Parallax of Landscape: Situating Celaque National Park, Honduras, Benjamin F. Timms
The Perfect Shattering, Anne Regan
The Politics of Wittgenstein, Matthew J. Moore
The Portuguese in America, Alison A. Pereira
The Potential for Marketing Pork Products with Embedded Environmental Attributes: Results from an Experimental Study, Sean P. Hurley and James B. Kliebenstein
The Price, Kevin Clark
The Private Market for Accommodation: Determinants of Smoking Policies in Restaurants and Bars, John Dunham and Michael L. Marlow
The Problem with Microscopes, Beth Shirley
The Proteomic Response of the Mussel Congeners Mytilus gallaprovincialis and M. trossulus to Acute Heat Stress: Implications for Thermal Tolerance Limits and Metabolic Costs of Thermal Stress, Lars Tomanek and Marcus J. Zuzow
The Public Demand for Smoking Bans, William J. Boyes and Michael L. Marlow
The Question of Robin Hood, Jessica Kinkhorst
The Real Face of Terrorism Comes in All Colors, D. Saied
The Relationship between Empathy in Children and their Parents, Erin Browne
The Relationship Between On-Budget and Off-Budget Government, David Joulfaian and Michael L. Marlow
The Relationship between Plasma Steroid Hormone Concentrations and the Reproductive Cycle in the Northern Pacific Rattlesnake, Crotalus oreganus, Craig M. Lind, Jerry F. Husak, Cas Eikenaar, Ignacio T. Moore, and Emily N. Taylor
The Relationship of Wine Prices and the Qualitative Aesthetics of Wine Labels, Danielle Drews
The Rhetorical Subversion of Populism: Palinism in the 2008 Election, Allison Margaret Kearney
The Role of the Journal in Mentoring Students, Harold M. Cota
The Salem Witch Trials: A Microhistory, Bailey Hitch
The San Luis Obispo Children's Museum Energy of Motion, Patrick Ligot, Brian Mich, Jaime Salazar, Erik Sanchez, and Steven Azeka
The Security Printing Practices of Banknotes, Corbin Nakamura
The Separation of Spending from Taxation: Implications for Collective Choices, Michael L. Marlow and William P. Orzechowski
Theses and Professional Projects Abstracts
Theses of Thesis, Marc J. Neveu
The significance of the male display during male-male interactions in guppies (Poecilia reticulata), Rebecca Nuffer and Samantha M. Alburn
The Significant-Digit Phenomenon, Theodore P. Hill
The Social Context of Child Abuse and the Aid of Preventative Programs, Kelly R. Ferguson
The Splendor of Mexican Matins: Sonority & Structure in Jerusalem’s Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe, Craig H. Russell
The State of Urban and Community Forestry in California, Richard P. Thompson and James J. Ahern
The Steeple, Kevin Clark
The Structure of a Story, Pamalee Brady and Edmond P. Saliklis
The Study of Missing Dots of Electromechanical and Laser Engraved Cylinders, Xiaoying Rong and Alexandra Pekarovicova
The Study of the Forward-Voltage to Junction-Temperature Coefficient Degradation in Light-Emitting Diodes, Christopher B. Grasberger
The Tales that the Universe Told: an original manuscript of poetry, Calvin Cantrell
The Thread of Spirit, Nicole Rust
The Three-Line Magnetic Hyperfine Spectrum of 57Fe, Norman A. Blum and Richard B. Frankel
The Time to Change, Lindsey Meints
The Treatment of Resource Recovery in Solid Waste Plans, W. David Conn
The Use Of A High Level CFD Code In Engineering Education, J.E.S. Venart, P. Lemieux, A.C.M. Sousa, and D. Tatchell
The Use of Horticulture and Gardening as a Special Education Tool at the High School Level, Krysta Marie Johnson
The Uses of Completed Landfills, Jo Anne H. Aplet and W. David Conn
The Value of “Dialogue Events” as Sites of Learning: An Exploration of Research and Evaluation Frameworks, Jane L. Lehr, Ellen McCallie, Sarah R. Davies, Brandiff R. Caron, Benjamin Gammon, and Sally Duensing
The Vigil of Astonishment, Kevin Clark
"The Wife's Went Bazook" Comedic Feminism in the Poetry of Ruth Stone, Kevin Clark
"The Wondrous Death": Erotic Power in the Science Fiction of James Tiptree, Jr., Lewis Call
Thinking Styles and Financial Characteristics of Selected Canadian Farm Managers, Wayne W. Howard, George L. Brinkman, and Remy Lambert
This One Time at Band Camp..., Aimee Ware
Thoroughbreds: European Roots, Jennifer Elaine Skidmore
Thoughts on Every College Party, Douglas Long
Three Business Contexts: From the Technical and Moral, to the Aesthetic, John Dobson
Three Dimensional Printing: Modern Medical Applications, Devin Peek and Elizabeth Stark
Three-Quasiparticle Intruder State in Te125 and the Magnetic Moment of Sb125, N. J. Stone, Richard B. Frankel, and D. A. Shirley
Through The Eyes of A Bracero, Karina Flores
Time Course and Magnitude of Synthesis of Heat-Shock Proteins in Congeneric Marine Snails (Genus Tegula) from Different Tidal Heights, Lars Tomanek and George N. Somero
Time for Tea: The Cultural Significance of Tea in the British Atlantic World, 1730-1750, Shannon Fleming
Tips for Succeeding in English 134
Tipsheet Offers Scoop on Great Grads, Public Affairs Office
Title Page and Table of Contents
Title Page and Table of Contents
TK Ripper, Charles Volk, Vincent Priolo, and Zachary McKibbin
T.K. Ripper: A Multidisciplinary Group Project, Logan Hunt
Tobacco Control Programs and Tobacco Consumption, Michael L. Marlow
Tobacco Control Programs and Tobacco Consumption, Michael L. Marlow
To Declare or Not to Declare, That is the Question: An Exploration of the Cal Poly's Admissions Policy, Michael Antoine, Leanne Brady, Matthew Kinni, Gabrielle Koizumi, and Jordan Lambert
Toni Morrison's Beloved: Transforming the African Heroic Epic, Kathryn Rummell
Topologically ordered phases of smectics confined in anisotropic random media: smectic Bragg glasses, Karl Saunders, Brad Jacobsen, Leo Radzihovsky, and John Toner
Toral Algebraic Sets and Function Theory on Polydisks, Jim Agler, John E. McCarthy, and Mark Stankus
Traffic Signal Control with Swarm Intelligence, David Renfrew and Xiao-Hua Yu
Training Manual and Protocol for Ultrasound at Cal Poly, Brian Andrew Waymire
Transforming High-speed Rail Stations to Major Activity Hubs: Lessons for California, Cornelius Nuworsoo and Elizabeth Deakin
Transmission Line Forecast Study, Ryan Garoogian
Transmission System Construction and Analysis, Siyuan Wang
Transportation Energy Analysis for Single-Family Residential Construction in California, Tyler Langley
Traversing Probe Assembly, Josh Bugni and Andrew Sofranko
Tree-Soil Interactions Affect Production of Loblolly and Slash Pine, Christopher Dicus and Thomas J. Dean
Trends and Developments in Search Engine Optimization, Daniel McMonegal
Tribological Comparison of Traditional and Advanced Firearm Coatings, Greg Boban
"Try what repentance can": Hamlet, Confession, and the Extraction of Interiority, Paul Dustin Stegner
Tsukahara: A comprehensive web solution designed to simplify the process of hosting a gymnastics meet., Jonathan Thomassian
Turning crocodilian hearts into bird hearts: growth rates are similar for alligators with and without right-to-left cardiac shunt, John Eme, June Gwalthney, Tomasz Owerkowicz, Jason M. Blank, and James W. Hicks
Two Cal Poly Faculty Members to Receive the University’s Annual Distinguished Scholarship Award, Public Affairs Office
Two Cal Poly Students Earn Volunteer Award with Diversity Efforts, Public Affairs Office
Two Cal Poly Wines Win Gold in Orange County, Public Affairs Office
Two-Dimensional Pendulum Experiments Using a Spark Generator, Rand S. Worland and Matthew J. Moelter
Two New Species of Pectis (Asteraceae: Tageteae) from South America, David J. Keil
Two New Topologically Ordered Glass Phases of Smectics Confined in Anisotropic Random Media, Brad Jacobsen, Karl Saunders, Leo Radzihovsky, and John Toner
UAV Pirates and SilenTrack Integration, Travis Dean, Hushnak Singh, Ashley Wager, and Matthew (Matt) Woolridge
Ubiquitous Low-Velocity Layer Atop the 410-km Discontinuity in the Northern Rocky Mountains, John Jasbinsek and Kenneth Dueker
UC Riverside Professor To Discuss 'What Is Math?', Public Affairs Office
Ultrafiltration in the Ontario Dairy Industry, Wayne H. Howard and Remy Lambert
Ultrasonic Listener: Microcontroller Based Frequency Shifter, Troy Fredriks
Ultrasonic Shark-tag Locator System for IVER2 AUV, Nathaniel Garcia
Unconventional Urbanism, Chad Endicott and Mark Polhemus
Unemployment and Protest in the United States, 1890-1940: A Methodological Critique and Research Note, Harold R. Kerbo and Richard A. Shaffer
Unifying America: The Use of American Propaganda During World War I, Maxwell Riley Woodcock
United Farm Workers Co-Founder Dolores Huerta To Speak at Cal Poly April 10, Public Affairs Office
United States Raisin Export Market Trends in the United Kingdom, Paul McChesney
Uniting A Nation: A Close Textual Analysis Of Barack Obama's Inaugural Address, Thomas Michael Gatta
Universal Play Frame VI, Justin Bazant, Cullen Crackel, and Anthony Franceschi
University Jazz Band Swing Dance Concert on April 3, Public Affairs Office
University Union Advisory Board Hosts Cal Poly's University Union 31st Birthday, Public Affairs Office
University Union Announces Winter Break Hours, Public Affairs Office
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Post Disaster Surveys, Thor Liland Larsen
Unocal Endows Two Cal Poly Professorships in Marine Science, Public Affairs Office
Unocal Endows Two Cal Poly Professorships in Marine Science, Public Affairs Office
Untangling the Debate: The Ethics of Human Enhancement, Patrick Lin and Fritz Allhoff
Updated Bus Routes and Text Messaging System for San Luis Obispo Public Transit System Web Application, Matthew Bojorquez
Urban Heat Island Expansion in the Greater Las Vegas Metropolitan Area, Alex Remar
Urbanization and Food Imports in Sub-Saharan Africa, James Tabi, Wayne H. Howard, and Truman Phillips
Usage of the Penn State Forage Separator for evaluating particle size of TMRs, Ashley Rene Garcia
U.S. Agricultural Productivity and Returns to Research, Jennifer S. James, Julian M. Alston, Philip G. Pardey, and Matt Andersen
US Dairy Product Trade: Modeling Approaches and the Impact of New Product Formulations, Charles F. Nicholson and Phillip M. Bishop
U.S. Department of Education Grants Cal Poly Nearly $1 Million To Fund 'Talent Search', Public Affairs Office
Use of artificial sweeteners and fat-modified foods in weight loss maintainers and always-normal weight individuals, Suzanne Phelan, W. Lang, D. Jordan, and Rena R. Wing
Use of Family Care Indicators and Their Relationship with Child Development in Bangladesh, Jena D. Hamadani, Fahmida Tofail, Afroza Hilaly, Syed N. Huda, Patrice L. Engle, and Sally M. Grantham-McGregor
Use of Friction Stir Processing and Friction Stir Welding For Nitinol Medical Devices, Blair London, Murray Mahoney, and Alan Pelton
Use of loading reports to evaluate the accuracy of the total mix ration, Kailen Johnson
Use of Michelson and Fabry–Perot Interferometry for Independent Determination of the Refractive Index and Physical Thickness of Wafers, Glen D. Gillen and Shekhar Guha
Use of Social Media for College Athletic Events: Analysis and Implementation for the Cal Poly Women’s Basketball Program, Krista Lee Scarbrough
Use of Social Media Tools to Promote a Community Event: Analysis and Recommendations for the Madonna Plaza Farmer's Market, Genevieve Pearl Loggins
Using Automated Emergency Notification Systems to Inform the Public: A Field Experiment, Richard C. Rich and W. David Conn
Using Latent Effects to Determine the Ecological Importance of Dissolved Organic Matter to Marine Invertebrates, Dean E. Wendt and Collin H. Johnson
Using Neural Networks for Classification Problems in Finance, Joe Rolle
Using P2P Sharing Activity To Improve Business Decision Making: Proof Of Concept For Estimating Product Life-Cycle, Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ram Gopal, Kaveepan Lertwachara, and James R. Marsden
Using Technology to Teach Historical Understanding: The Digital History Reader Brings the Possibilities of New Technology to the History Classroom, Robert P. Stephens, Jane L. Lehr, Daniel B. Thorp, E. Thomas Ewing, David Hicks, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Using Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles as an Engineering Education Tool, Hong Zhang, John Chen, and Eric Constans
Utilizing Quantum Dots to Enhance Solar Spectrum Conversion Efficiencies for Photovoltaics, Richard N. Savage, Hans Mayer, Matthew Lewis, and Dan M. Marrujo
UTOPIA 3.0: Power Cycling Controller Board, Allan Chan
Utopia Reconsidered: The Modern Firm as Institutional Ideal, John Dobson
UU Adds Video Rental Outlet In Time for Fall, Public Affairs Office
Vacuum-Packaged Precooked Pork from Hogs Fed Supplemental Vitamin E: Chemical, Shelf-Life and Sensory Properties, J. E. Cannon, J. B. Morgan, G. R. Schmidt, R. J. Delmore, J. N. Sofos, G. C. Smith, and S. N. Williams
Valuation of Transferable Delivery Rights for Marketing Cooperatives, Charles V. Moore and Jay E. Noel
Valveless Pulsejet Engine, Cory William Kerr and James Robert Reynolds
Variation of Superparamagnetic Properties with Iron Loading in Mammalian Ferritin, Richard B. Frankel, G. C. Papaefthymiou, and G. D. Watt
Variations in Vulnerability to Climate Change in Southeast Asia, Kelsey Margaret Allard
Vector Diffraction Theory of Light Propagation Through Nanostructures, Glen D. Gillen and Shekhar Guha
Vector Diffraction Theory of Refraction of Light by a Spherical Surface, Glen D. Gillen and Shekhar Guha
Vehicle Emissions and Level of Service Standards: Exploratory Analysis of the Effects of Traffic Flow on Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Rafael Cobina, Tony Henderson, Sudeshna Mitra, Cornelius Nuworsoo, and Edward Sullivan
Venice Beach - Photograph, Shelley Dangoor
V-I Converters With Transconductance Proportional to Bias Current in Any Technology, Vladimir I. Prodanov
Victims of a Church In Transition: The Transition of the Catholic Church and its Effect On the American Nun Population, Spencer Thomas Casement
Violin Note Detector Using Digital Signal Processing, Nathaniel Kyle Mopas
Virtual Proofing in the Packaging Industry, Kaitlin Rockway and Andrew McEachron
Virtue and Violence: Portrayal of Lucretia and Achilles by Giuseppe Cades (Toledo: Toledo Museum of Art), Giancarlo Fiorenza
Viscoelasticity from a microscopic model of dislocation dynamics, M. Christina Marchetti and Karl Saunders
Visual Branding for "The Middle of Everywhere" Senior Graphic Design Show, Mai-Chi Vu
Visually Sound: An Exploration of Design + Music, Justin Rodriguez
Visual Representations of Queried Database Results Using Google's Mapping Technologies, Steven Michael Kilbert
Vote for the Cal Poly Rose Float in 2010 Parade Viewers' Choice Award Web Poll, Public Affairs Office
Voters Approve Proposition Giving Cal Poly $37 Million to Build Classrooms, Public Affairs Office
WALL-E's Rhetoric: An Ecological Sermon from a Strange Preacher, Jennifer A. English
Walter Moos to Speak On Saving Lives through Innovation at the Baker Forum May 2 at Cal Poly, Public Affairs Office
Wanton Introversion, Ivan Van Wingerden Mr.
Warehouse Redesign of Facility Layout, Racking System and Item Classification at Sunrize Tackle, Inc, Tobiah R. Master
Waste Reduction: Issues and Policies, W. David Conn
Water Balance-Related Performance Indicators for International Projects, Charles M. Burt and Stuart W. Styles
Water Conservation Device, Michael Eichermueller, Michael (Mike) Moren, Florian Liefhold, Philipp von Vopelius, Christoph Wagner, Tommy Stendel, and Jacob Venzor
Water Conservation for the County of San Luis Obispo, Dimitri Theodore Antoniou
Water Seepage From Unlined Ditches and Reservoirs, Nigel W.T. Quinn, Richard B. Smith, Charles M. Burt, Tracy S. Slavin, Stuart W. Styles, and Amir Mansoubi
Water Well Drilling Rig Final Project Report, Alexander (Alex) Wargnier, Thad Jablonski, and Coel Schumacher
Wave Energy Converter Performance Modeling and Cost of Electricity Assessment, Dmitri Jarocki
Web Design Practices for Small Businesses, Kate Nickerson
What Do You See?, Taylor Musolf
Whatever Happened To Payola? An Empirical Analysis of Online Music Sharing, Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ram Gopal, Kaveepan Lertwachara, and James R. Marsden
What Kind of Diversity Are We to Promote in the University?, Todd R. Long
What Lean Means for Printers: Reducing Setups and Makereadies is Just the Beginning, Malcolm G. Keif
What Our Students Should Know: Perspectives from Business and Academia, Wayne H. Howard
What the Graduation Writing Requirement Is All About
Whence Meiosis?, Anne M. Villeneuve and Kenneth J. Hillers
When Does a Reproducing Female Viper (Vipera aspis) ‘Decide’ on her Litter Size?, Olivier Lourdais, Xavier Bonnet, Richard Shine, and Emily N. Taylor
Where Are the Crazy People?, Caitlin Lee
Where the wild stuff grows: Bacteria from the cow to the Pasture-izer, Michael Stewart
Where We Learn How to Learn, Matt Lazier
White Gold, Stacia Momburg
Why Aren't We Leaner in the United States?, Malcolm Keif
Why Are We Losing Manufacturing Jobs?, Eric O'N. Fisher
Why Call it Climax?, David Kann
Why Lean isn't Working in the Print Industry, and What You Should be Doing About It!, Malcolm G. Keif and Kevin Cooper
Wi-Fi Evapotranspiration Irrigation Controller, Ryan Goodman
Wi-Fi Localization Using RSSI Fingerprinting, Michael Quan, Eduardo Navarro, and Benjamin Peuker
Wine Advertising to the Millennial Generation, Jessica R. Luke
Winners Announced in Student Video Competition at Cal Poly, Public Affairs Office
Winter Profile of Plasma Sex Steroid Levels in Free-Living Male Western Diamond-Backed Rattlesnakes, Crotalus atrox (Serpentes: Viperidae), Gordon W. Schuett, Roger A. Repp, Emily N. Taylor, Dale F. DeNardo, Ryan L. Earley, Edward A. Van Kirk, and William J. Murdoch
Wireless Data Acquisition for Photovoltaic Power System, Makbul Anwari, Arief Hidayat, M. Imran Hamid, and Taufik
Wireless LANs, Jack Glas, Mihai Banu, Joachim Hammerschmidt, Vladimir I. Prodanov, and Peter Kiss
Wireless Pedometer, Jeffrey Lease
Wireless Sensing of Epileptiform Activity, Wade Barnes
Work in progress - A Mixed-Methods Approach to Developing an Instrument Measuring Engineering Students' Positive Ethical Behavior, Mathew A. Holsapple, Cynthia J. Finelli, Donald D. Carpenter, Trevor S. Harding, and Janel A. Sutkus
Work in Progress - Attaining and Measuring Global Competency for Engineering Graduates, James Widmann and Linda Vanasupa
Work in Progress – Classical Ballet Structure and Practice Applied to Engineering Class Sessions, Blair London and Lisa Deyo
Work in Progress - Improving Learning Using Industry Supported Project in Power Electronics Course, Taufik
Work in Progress: The Five Basic “Positions” of Engineering, Blair London and Lisa Deyo
Workshop - Feminist Engineering Education: Building a Community of Practice, Alice L. Pawley, Donna Riley, Susan M. Lord, and Trevor S. Harding
World Dairy Product Trade: Analysis with a Mixed Complementarity Problem Formulation, Charles F. Nicholson and Phillip M. Bishop
Writer's Histories, Brenda Helmbrecht
W. Terrence Spiller Piano Recital at Cal Poly on Jan. 8 Includes Chopin Commemorative, Public Affairs Office
XINS, Kyle Howen
‘young boys, no trouble, very safe’?: Frédéric Mitterrand’s La Mauvaise vie as Text and Pretext, Brian G. Kennelly
Zero G and Me: Modeling Cardiovascular Dynamics from Echocardiography and Impedance Cardiography during Parabolic Flight, Margaret Dominguez, Patricia Cowings, and Bill Toscano
Zero Waste at Cal Poly Open House 2010, Public Affairs Office
Zooplankton Avoidance of a Profiled Open-Path Fluorometer, Kelly J. Benoit-Bird, Mark A. Moline, Oscar M. Schofield, Ian C. Robbins, and Chad M. Waluk