College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration



Primary Advisor

Marni Goldenberg


This study examined the definition of adventure tourism, theories of place attachment, and conducted a satisfaction and motivation survey for Non-Typical Outfitters (NTO). The purpose of this study was to determine the motivations, satisfactions, and place attachment factors when hunting with NTO. Zoomerang, an online survey company, was used to conduct the survey and further calculations were conducted through Microsoft Excel. Overall, NTO clients were all male, satisfied, had experienced other outfitters, and would return to hunt with NTO again. Major conclusions included that all place attachment factors (use-oriented and emotional) were considered neutral and top areas of satisfaction were: lodging accommodations, ease of planning the trip, knowledge of guides, and safety of hunt. Finally, a major recommendation for NTO was to continue to survey their clients in order to maintain and improve their business.
