Theses/Project Reports from 2009
Optimization of Two-Way Post-tensioned Concrete Floor Systems, Gaelyn B. Krauser
Seismic Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Walls Retrofitted with Post-tensioning Tendons, Daniel Louis Lazzarini
Non-linear Contact Analysis of Meshing Gears, Chun Hung Lee
Pipelined Apache HTTP Server, Kevin Le
Advanced Thermosonic Wire Bonding Using High Frequency Ultrasonic Power: Optimization, Bondability, and Reliability, Minh-Nhat Ba Le
The Relationship Between Plasma Steroid Hormone Concentrations and the Reproductive Cycle of the Northern Pacific Rattlesnake, Crotalus oreganus, Craig Michael Lind
Enhancement Plan for Downtown Cayucos, CA, Rachelle Sarai Sneh Lopez
Detection and Tracking of Stealthy Targets Using Particle Filters, Philip M. Losie
General Direction Routing Protocol, Sean Michael Lydon
Feeding Phishers, Nicholas J. Lynch
FRP Confined Reinforced Concrete Circular Cross Section Seismic Applications, Jeffrey G. Lyon
Performance of a Catch Basin Filter and Leachate from Biocidal Media for Stormwater Treatment, Ryan Scott Maclure
An Assessment of Indoor Infiltration Parameters for Black Carbon from Residential Wood Combustion and the Spectral Dependence of Light Absorption for Organic Carbon, Christopher John Malejan
Affine Region Tracking and Augmentation Using MSER and Adaptive SIFT Model Generation, Matthew James Marano
The Fruiting and Berry-Chemistry Responses of Zinfandel Grapes to Cluster Thinning, Cameron John Mauritson
Temperature Influence and Heat Management Requirements of Microalgae Cultivation in Photobioreactors, Thomas Hagen Mehlitz
Characterization of a Viscoelastic Response from Thin Metal Films Deposited on Silicon for Microsystem Applications, Steven L. Meredith
A System for Natural Language Unmarked Clausal Transformations in Text-to-Text Applications, Daniel Miller
A System for Measuring the Lift and Drag Forces of a Spinning Golf Ball Held Fixed Within a Wind Tunnel, Ryan R. Miller
Comparison and Design of Simplified General Perturbation Models (SGP4) and Code for NASA Johnson Space Center, Orbital Debris Program Office, Nicholas Z. Miura
Effectiveness of Thermal Oxidation in Relation to Anterior Cervical Plates, Katherine A. Miyashiro
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of an Extreme Aspect Ratio HALE UAV, Bryan J. Morrisey
Internet-Scale Reactive Routing and Mobility, Daniel B. Nelson
Rayleigh Flow of Two-Phase Nitrous Oxide as a Hybrid Rocket Nozzle Coolant, Lauren May Nelson