Theses/Project Reports from 2009
Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Simulated in MATLAB, Matthew Schlutz
Hyperspectral Image Compression Using a Two-Stage KLT, Seton S. Schroeder
Techniques for Triggering Germination of Adenostoma fasciculatum in Revegetation Projects at Rocky Canyon Quarry, Stephanie B. Scolari
A Study of Dempster-Shafer's Theory of Evidence in Comparison to Classical Probability Combination, Scott J. Seims
Effect of Processing Parameters on Texture, Composition and Applicability of High Protein Dairy Food, Maulik Shah
Tall Fescue (Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) S.J. Darbyshire) Cultivar Performance in the Central California Coastal Region, Seril Shimizu
Designing a Microbial Prolyl Peptidase Delivery System for the Treatment of Celiac Disease, Matthew J. Shurtleff
The Influence of Incentives Offered by Local Governments to Private Developers or Land Owners on the Rate of Brownfield Redevelopment, Erik Benjamin Simon
Design and Control Considerations for a Skid-to-Turn Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Tanner Austin Sims
Building an Operational Data Store for a Direct Marketing Application System, Chad Smith
Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy (LSCM): An Application for the Detection of Morphological Alterations in Skin Structure, Shea C. Smith
The Effect of Random, Blocked, and Transition Practice Schedules on Children's Performance of a Barrier Knockdown Test, Gregory C. Snider
The Electrical Properties of Human Tissue for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Melanoma Skin Cancer, Glenn Cameron Stante
Mechanical Simulation of Articular Cartilage Based on Experimental Results, Kevin Matthew Stewart
Implementation of Sustainable Management Practices at Two California Central Coast Vineyards and Their Effects on Soil Fertility, Dawn M. Stimson
Changing Portrayals of Captain James Cook in Hawaiian Education, Christopher Aaron Straub
Mechanisms for Temporal Change in Phytoplankton Composition in San Luis Obispo Bay California, Marc T. Tognazzini
Energetic Path Finding Across Massive Terrain Data, Andrew N. Tsui
Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification of Wastewater Using a Silicone Membrane Aerated Bioreactor, Kirk Hjelte Waltz
Facility Power Usage Prediction with Artificial Neural Networks, Sunny Wan
Assessing Near-Field Outdoor Concentration Variability from Residential Wood Smoke Combustion Sources, Courtney E. Ward
Mount San Jacinto State Park Visitor Attributes, Preferences, and Perceptions, Katherine Elizabeth Wassenberg
A Highly Abstracted Method of FPGA-Based Development for Secondary Surveillance Radar Transpond Detection, James Penn Watt
Bottom-Up Ontology Creation with a Direct Instance Input Interface, Charles C.H. Wei
Development of a Laboratory Protocol for the Micropropagation of Monterey Pines (Pinus Radiata), Año Nuevo Stand, Karen E. Wells