Policies for Master's Theses
Who Can Submit
The Master's Theses series on the DigitalCommons@CalPoly only accepts approved graduate theses and project reports created under the auspices of California Polytechnic State University. For submission instructions, visit the Graduate Education website at http://grad.calpoly.edu/policies/thesis.html.
Author Review
Authors will have one opportunity to review the abstract, citation and related data before the document is publicly available on the site; therefore, please be sure that the paper is ready for public distribution. Once the paper has been reviewed and approved by the Graduate Education Office, it will be made publicly available. Once the paper is publicly available, authors will no longer be able to make changes or revisions.
Rights and Permissions
Plain Language for Contributor Agreement
The DigitalCommons@CalPoly asks that you, as the creator and contributor of your work, grant the university permission to share your work in an open-access digital environment, which is intended for educational purposes. You and any co-authors retain all intellectual property rights to your work. You are giving the university permission to make your work available to all users and to migrate it to accessible formats as necessary. The university will not make any changes to your work. Requests for use of your work for purposes other than education will be referred back to you as copyright holder.
For Cal Poly Alumni
If you are a Cal Poly graduate program alumnus/a and you wish to have your thesis or project report available on the DigitalCommons@CalPoly, you will need to formally grant permission to the university. To do so, send the Graduate Education Office an email with your full name, title of your thesis/project report, and your graduation year and attach a Word or PDF of your thesis/project report. In the body of the email, include the following statement:
I hereby grant California Polytechnic State University and its agents the non-exclusive license to archive and make accessible my thesis/project report now or hereafter known. I certify that, if appropriate, I have obtained and attached hereto a written permission statement from the owner(s) of each third-party copyrighted matter to be included in my thesis or project report, allowing distribution as specified in this form.
I certify that the version I am submitting is the same as that approved by my thesis/project report committee and the Graduate Education Office.
I agree to waive any privacy rights granted by FERPA or any other law, policy or regulation, with respect to this work, for the purpose of publication.
I retain all ownership rights to the copyright of this work. I also retain the right to use in future works (such as in articles or books) all or part if this work.
For questions regarding submission or formatting, contact Graduate Education Office
Phone: 805.756.2328
Email: grad@calpoly.edu
Office: Building 116 Room 214