Theses/Project Reports from 2009
Effect of Starter Cultures on Lactobacillus acidophilus Survival and Gene Expression in Yogurt, Elizabeth W. Ng
Performance Analysis and Life Prediction for Small Wind Turbine Blades: A Wood Laminate Case Study, Christopher James Nosti
Ethnic Identity and Sense of School Belongingness: Behaviors and Beliefs of Immigrant Hispanic Students and Parents, Francisco B. Ortiz
Prestressing Concrete with Shape Memory Alloy Fibers, Skye M. Orvis
A Unified Resource Platform for the Rapid Development of Scalable Web Applications, Russell Palmiter
Novel Current-Fed Boundary-Mode Parallel-Resonant Push-Pull Converter, Jonathan David Paolucci
Automation in CS1 with the Factoring Problem Generator, Joshua B. Parker
STT Event Stream Feature to Assist Software Testing of Impantable Devices in St. Jude Medical, Yong J. Park
An Investigation of E-glass Structure with Different Filler Material Under Vibration and Bending Loading, John R. Parra
Preparation and Characterization of Electrospun Poly(D, L-Lactide-Co-Glycolide) Scaffolds for Vascular Tissue Engineering and the Advancement of an In Vitro Blood Vessel Mimic, Tiffany Richelle Pena
Agricultural Buffer Criteria for the City of Arroyo Grande, Laura A. Pennebaker
Influence of Crop Load on Fruit Composition Using Pinot Noir Grapes, Patrick G. Phelan
Impacts of Delayed Drawdown on Water Quality and Aquatic Biota in Seasonal Wetlands of the Grassland Ecological Area, Los Banos, California, Kyle Nathan Poole
A Study of the Seismic Performance of Early Multi-Story Steel Frame Structures with Unreinforced Masonry Infill, Kristin Potterton
An Approach Based on Wavelet Decomposition and Neural Network for ECG Noise Reduction, Suranai Poungponsri
Outcomes Associated with Outward Bound and NOLS Programs: A Means-End Study, Daniel Thomas Pronsolino
Removal of Boron from Produced Water by Co-precipitation / Adsorption for Reverse Osmosis Concentrate, Imran Yusuf Rahman, Yarrow Nelson, and Tryg Lundquist
A Flight Simulation Study of the Simultaneous Non-interfering Aircraft Approach, Brian H. Reel
Traffic Signal Control with Ant Colony Optimization, David T. Renfrew
Validation of Linearized Flight Models Using Automated System-Identification, Keith Eric Rothman
Sensor Integration for Low-Cost Crash Avoidance, Stephane M. Roussel
Restoration of A. fasciculatum at Rocky Canyon Granite Quarry, San Luis Obispo, CA, Catherine L. Roy
Harmonic Analysis of a Static VAR Compensated Mixed Load System, James David Ruckdaschel
Analysis & Design of Improved Multiphase Interleaving DC-DC Converter with Input-Output Bypass Capacitor, Rudi Rudianto
Impact of Weed Management Practices on Grapevine Growth, Yield Components, Plant and Arthropod Abundance, and Carabid Seed Predation in Paso Robles Vineyard, Paolo Sanguankeo