School of Education | College of Science and Mathematics | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

School of Education faculty research focuses on: curriculum and instructional pedagogy that supports inclusive and equitable educational opportunities, educational leadership skill development, higher educational counseling and student affairs in the rapidly changing academic ecosystem, special education development and implementation, and California’s curricular frameworks and instructional materials.

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Submissions from 2010


Teachers, Sexual Orientation, and the Law in Canada: A Human Rights Perspective, Elizabeth J. Meyer


Improving literacy and metacognition with electronic portfolios: Teaching and learning with ePEARL, Elizabeth J. Meyer, Philip C. Abrami, C. Anne Wade, Ofra Aslan, and Louise Deault


Using Electronic Portfolios to Foster Communication in K-12 Classrooms, Elizabeth J. Meyer, Anne Wade, Vanitha Pillay, Einat Idan, and Philip C. Abrami


Subverting the Ivory Tower: Teaching and Learning Through Critical Dialogues, Elizabeth Meyer and Veronika Lesiuk


Orthographic Transparency Ratings for Spanish–English Cognates from the Paivio, Yuille, and Madigan Imagery Norms, José A. Montelongo, Tasha Roehrick, and Anita Hernández

Submissions from 2009


Creating Schools That Value Sexual Diversity, Elizabeth J. Meyer


Queer Youth and the Culture Wars: From Classroom to Courtroom in Australia, Canada and the United States, Elizabeth J. Meyer and David Stader


Learn by Doing: A Collaborative Model for Training Teacher-Candidate Students in Autism, Michael B. Ruef, Nicolette Nefdt, Daniel Openden, Sharon Elmensdorp, Kathleen C. Harris, and Suzanne Robinson

Submissions from 2007


Coming Out to Care: Caregivers of Gay and Lesbian Seniors in Canada, Shari Brotman, Bill Ryan, Shannon Collins, Line Chamberland, Robert Cormier, Danielle Julien, Elizabeth J. Meyer, Allan Peterkin, and Brenda Richard


Cohort Doctoral Preparation Programs: Neo-Institutional Perspectives, Joe Donaldson and George J. Petersen


"But I'm Not Gay": What Straight Teachers Need to Know about Queer Theory, Elizabeth J. Meyer


Masculinities on The O.C.: A Critical Analysis of Representations of Gender, Elizabeth J. Meyer


Student Engagement in the Teaching and Learning of Grammar, Peter Smagorinsky, Laura Wright, Sharon Murphy Augustine, Cindy O'Donnell-Allen, and Bonnie C. Konopak