"What Teachers Think: An Investigation of Teachers’ Perceptions Regardi" by George J. Petersen, Chad W. Sayre et al.


Using the conceptual lenses of superintendent instructional leadership and instructional capacity, this investigation explored teachers’ views of their superintendent’s ability to influence classroom instruction and teachers’ ability to produce student learning. Data were drawn from seven medium sized school districts in the Midwest. Two hundred and seventy nine teachers completed a questionnaire that examined factors related to teachers’ perceptions of the superintendent’s role in fostering instructional capacity as well as involvement of teachers in their own professional development. Specifically this study addressed the following research questions: What are teachers’ views of the superintendent in his role as an instructional leader? Do teachers perceive the superintendent as influencing their ability to produce worthwhile and substantial learning? Results indicate that teachers perceived a significant relationship among superintendent instructional leadership, the creation of instructional capacity at the district and school level, and teacher professional development and instructional practices. The paper concludes with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications.



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