Theses/Project Reports from 2023
Efficiency Study of a Hybrid AC/DC House, Eunice Dominique Solomon Santiago
Productivity And Modelling Of Microalgae Mono- And Polycultures Grown On Wastewater In Raceways, Michael J. Scott
MMF-DRL: Multimodal Fusion-Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach with Domain-Specific Features for Classifying Time Series Data, Asmita Sharma
A Study on Rapidly Exploring Random Tree Algorithms for Robot Path Planning, Sahil Sharma
Exploration of Semi-supervised Learning for Convolutional Neural Networks, Nicholas Sheffler
Static Vascular Modeling of Diabetes Progression, Andrea Skattenborg
Decentralized Machine Learning On Blockchain: Developing A Federated Learning Based System, Nikhil Sridhar
Development of an Angiogenic Tissue-on-a-chip Microenvironment, Eric Stuehr
Class F Power Amplifier and Doherty Power Amplifier Design, Shreyansh Suman
Deep Learning Recommendations for the ACL2 Interactive Theorem Prover, Robert K. Thompson and Robert K. Thompson
Enhancing Telecom Churn Prediction: Adaboost with Oversampling and Recursive Feature Elimination Approach, Long Dinh Tran
Evaluation Of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) For Electrospinning Utility In The Blood Vessel Mimic (BVM) Lab, Logan Vandenbroucke
Play Area Utilization Optimization for Room-scale Exploration of Virtual Worlds, Chase VanderZwan
Shelfaware: Accelerating Collaborative Awareness with Shelf CRDT, John C. Waidhofer
Coupled Boundary Conditions for Modeling Airbreathing Engines, Adam Louis Waldemarson
Neural Compression Inference Accelerator: a Cost and Energy-Effective Alternative to Conventional Machine Learning Inference Methods, Matthew Wallace
Hydric Physiology of Lizards, Savannah Weaver
Functional Nanocomposite Coatings for Use in Food Packaging, Camden N. Webb
Reinforcement Learning Framework For The Unreal Engine, Justin B. Wheeler
Design and Implementation of a Prototype Pendulum Platform for Aerospace Controls Education, Zachary A. Wright
Design and Validation of a Wearable SmartSole for Continuous Detection of Abnormal Gait, Karoline M. Wucherer
Subject-specific Human Knee FEA Models for Transtibial Amputees Vs Control Tibial Cartilage Pressure in Gait, Cycling and Elliptical Training, ali yazdkhasti