Date of Award


Degree Name

MS in Nutrition


Food Science and Nutrition


College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences


Kari Pilolla

Advisor Department

Food Science and Nutrition

Advisor College

College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences


Relevance: Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Observational and experimental evidence has shown that fruits high in polyphenols can reduce morbidity and mortality of heart disease. Introduction: This systematic review meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate the current evidence for anthocyanin-rich fruit supplementation amelioration of hypertension. Methods: Articles were identified, collected, screened, then data were analyzed via CMAv.2 for overall effect on blood pressure, nitric oxide, flow mediated dilation and pulse wave velocity. Results: The analysis showed a small, significant effect on diastolic blood pressure. No moderator groups had significant effects, though some individual subcategories showed significant effects.

Conclusion: Diastolic blood pressure in humans can be beneficially influenced by consumption of anthocyanin-rich fruit.
