Theses/Project Reports from 2011
The Effects of a Damage Arrestment Device on the Mechanical Behavior of Sandwich Composite Beams Under Four-Point Bending, Richard Anthony Davis
Simulation and Validation of Two-Component Flow in a Void Recirculation System, Oscar Eduardo Daza
The State of Software Engineering Maturity and Licensure, Travis Lawrence Dean
Artificial Neural Networking as a Decision Tool for Natural Gas Investment, Micah D. Denecour
The Preparation of Functional Surfaces, Philip Thomas Dirlam
Photovoltaic Emulator Adaptable to Irradiance, Temperature and Panel Specific I-V Curves, Joseph Gamos Durago
Supporting Introductory Test-Driven Labs with WebIDE, Thomas C. Dvornik
A Case of Reclaming Ruin: Beyond the Hype & Hyperbole of New York's High Line, Bryan D. Eck
Effects of Milk Processing on the Milk Fat Globule Membrane Constituents, Xiomara E. Elías-Argote
Enhancement of Light Absorption Efficiency of Solar Cell Using Dual, Ashton Ellaboudy
Evaluation of Vacuum Packaging on the Physical Properties, Solubility, and Storage Space of Dairy Powders, Hadi Eshpari
Take Me Back: A Study of the Back Button in the Modern Internet, Bryan G. Estrada
Impact of Exercise on Brain Responses to Visual Food Cues: An fMRI Study, Nero Erezi Evero
Interoperation for Lazy and Eager Evaluation, William Jeffrey Faught
Optimization and Modeling Tools for Telescope Hexapod Structures, Michael Edward Feeney
Modeling and Analysis of the Effects of PCB Parasitics on Integrated DC-DC Converters, Darwin Domingo Fernandez
Cluster Thinning Effects on Methoxypyrazine, Resveratrol and Berry Chemistry in Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon, Thomas Jerome Fertel
Conformal Microstrip GPS Antenna for Missile Application, Andrew Cassidy Fischer
Conceptual Requirement Validation for Architecture Design Systems, Gregory M. Flanagan
Impedance-Based Detection of Tissue Using a Multi-Electrode Device, Shane Killian Fleshman
Losing the Colonies: How Differing Interpretations of the British Constitution Caused the American Revolution, Brian M. Flint
State Estimation for Tracking of Tagged Sharks with an AUV, Christina Forney
Development of an Open Source Prosthetic Hand Platform, Scott James Garrett
Point-Based Color Bleeding with Volumes, Christopher J. Gibson