Theses/Project Reports from 2012
Evaluation of Viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 During Simulated Digestion Process Using a Dynamic In Vitro Model, Jenifer Tharani
Experimental Investigation of Suction Slot Geometry on a Goldschmied Propulsor, Nicole M. Thomason
The Spatial Distribution of K-factor Values Across a Toposequence and a Soil Survey Map Unit, Jacqueline Elizabeth Tilligkeit
Modal Analysis of Composite Structures with Damping Material, Kellie Michelle Tremaine
Implementation and Validation of Fault-Rupture Response Spectrum Analysis Procedure in CSiBridge for Bridges Crossing Earthquake Fault Ruptures, Jennifer Evelyn Tures
The Modern Sex Doll-Owner: A Descriptive Analysis, Sarah Hatheway Valverde
Historically-Informed Development in the Civic Center South Area of Downtown Los Angeles, John Daniel Von Kerczek
The Future of Red Hook, Brooklyn: Learning from Evolving New York City Neighborhoods, Robin Lynne Wachen
An Analysis of Human Disturbance to Rocky Intertidal Communities of San Luis Obispo County, Grant Tyler Waltz
Nitrocellulose Paper Based Microfluidic Platform Development and Surface Functionalization with Anti-IgE Aptamers, Jennifer Guerin Ward
Botanic Garden User Outcomes: A Means-End Investigation, Christopher Lee Wassenberg
Sun-Synchronous Orbit Slot Architecture Analysis and Development, Eric Watson
Engineering Performance of Polymer Amended Soils, Gary E. Welling
A New Computational Model to Augment the Design of Microfluidic Separations: Electric Field Assisted, Hydrodynamic Chromatography, Jeffrey D. Wells
RF Reliability Comparison Between DC Stressed and Non-DC-Stressed GaN-on-Si HEMTs in a 1GHz Class F Power Amplifier, Ryan W. White
Uniting the Nation's Power Grids: Opening Markets to Integrate Large Scale Renewable Power, Jeffrey Kenneth Wilkinson
Seismic Performance of Symmetric Steel Moment Frames with Random Reactive Weight Distributions, Conner F.F. Williamson
Seasonal Food Habits of Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia) in Human-Altered Landscapes, Carie Marie Wingert
Effects of Seawater on the Mechanical Behavior of Composite Sandwich Panels Under Monotonic Shear Loading, Thomas Robert Woo
Prediction of Articular Cartilage Remodeling During Dynamic Compression with a Finite Element Model, Kevin Akira Yamauchi
Experimental Determination of the Stiffness and Strength of Continuity Tie Connections in Large Wood Roof Dipahragms, and Impact on the Collective Chord Model, Caroline Nicole Yarber
Amaethon – A Web Application for Farm Management and an Assessment of Its Utility, Tyler Yero
Lottery Scheduling in the Linux Kernel: A Closer Look, David Zepp
Mid-Twentieth Century Residential Development in San Luis Obispo, Allison Dean Zike