Theses/Project Reports from 2012
Hierarchical Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks, Andrew David Lebeau
Investigation of a Commercial Product (BiOWiSH™) for Nitrogen Management, Eva Lee
Development of Simulation Platform for Oropharyngeal Airway Placement and Design Evaluation of the Bardo Airway, Lewis On Hang Lee
Bioflocculation of Wastewater Treatment Pond Suspended Solids, Louis Lefebvre
Enhanced Hydrocarbon Biodegradation Using Bioaugmentation with BiOWiSH™-Aqua FOG, Michael Robert Lehrer
Activity Node Based Flight Software as a Benefit to Systems Engineering, Eugene Daniel Lewis
Design of DC Light Bulb for the DC House Project, Kent Chin Liang
City of Watsonville Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, Emily Margaret Lipoma
Economic Impact of the Williamson Act in San Luis Obispo County, Hayley Nicole Loehr
Like Laws and Sausages: The Tale of a Mere Portion of the Process to Develop the South Broad Street Corridor Plan, Amy R. Lopez
Cascaded High Voltage Converter with Variable Control for Pulsed Electric Field Applications, Emmanuel Loza
Multi-Circle Detections for an Automatic Medical Diagnosis System, Dingran Lu
Modeling and Analysis of a Photovoltaic System with a Distributed Energy Storage System, Anthony Winston Ma
Characterization of Tight Junction Formation in an In-Vitro Model of the Blood-Brain Barrier, Michael Robert Machado
Form-Based Codes, Design Guidelines and Placemaking: The Case of Hayward, CA., Cindy Ma
Improved Microalgal Biomass Harvesting Using Optimized Environmental Conditions and Bacterial Bioflocculants, Derek C. Manheim
Autonomous Tracking and Following of Sharks with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Esfandiar Manii
Fabrication and Characterization of Torsional Micro-Hinge Structures, Mike Madrid Marrujo
Performance of a Wastewater Treatment Pond System with Microfiltration, Eric Todd Martin
Fault Mapping with the Refraction Microtremor and Seismic Refraction Methods Along the Los Osos Fault Zone, Justin Riley Martos
American Pika (Ochotona princeps): Persistence and Activity Patterns in a Changing Climate, Cody P. Massing
The Effect of Polarization and InGaN Quantum Well Shape in Multiple Quantum Well Light Emitting Diode Heterostructures, Patrick M. McBride
The Creation of an Anodic Bonding Device Setup and Characterization of the Bond Interface Through the Use of the Plaza Test, Tim M. McCrone