Theses/Project Reports from 2024
Point Cloud Initialization Techniques For Gaussian Splatting, Daniel L. Levin
Development of a Pressure Sensing System Coupled with Deployable Machine Learning Models for Assessing Residual Limb Fit in Lower Limb Prosthetics, Maxwell D. Lewter
Development of Electrical Impedance Tomography Data Acquisition System and Deep Learning-Based Reconstruction Algorithms for Spatial Damage Detection, Damond Michael Li
Sonifind: A Sonified Micro-guidance Interface For The Visually Impaired, Lucas Li
Generating a Novel Legislator Organization Score, Brandon Lin
Recycling Of Winery Wastewater Using An Ultrafiltration Membrane: Impact Of Operating Parameters On Membrane Performance, Marcus Lira Campaigniac
Design And Implementation Of A Vision-Based Deep-Learning Protocol For Kinematic Feature Extraction With Application To Stroke Rehabilitation, Juan Diego Luna Inga
Predicting Rheology Of UV-Curable Nanoparticle Ink Components And Compositions For Inkjet Additive Manufacturing, Cameron D. Lutz
Semantic Structuring Of Digital Documents: Knowledge Graph Generation And Evaluation, Erik E. Luu
Barriers To And Solutions For Fuel Treatments In The Central California Coast Ranges, Sierra Dawn Lyman
Going Rogue: Existence, Spectral Stability, And Bifurcations Of Rogue Waves In Integrable And Non-Integrable Lattice Models, Madison L. Lytle
Non-Linear Modeling of Hysteresis in Piezoelectric Actuated Cantilever Beam Using the Bouc-Wen Model, Andrew Donald Maas
A Broadband, Dual Polarized Antenna For The Radio Neutrino Observatory In Greenland, Danny Maas
Generative Data Augmentation: Using DCGAN To Expand Training Datasets For Chest X-Ray Pneumonia Detection, Ryan D. Maier
Stress Effects on the Growth Physiology of Pacific Rockfishes (Sebastes spp.): Negative Impacts of Cortisol and Elevated Temperature Exposure, Hayley M. Mapes
Jorge Ricardo Masetti: Journalist, Guerrilla, Cold Warrior, Brooks C. Martin Mr.
Red Raspberries Attenuate Blood Glucose Spike Of A High Glycemic Load Breakfast Cereal, Dante J. Martin
Effective And Sustainable Strategies For Federally Qualified Health Centers To Engage Young Adults, Olivia McNulty
Recursive Marix Game Analysis: Optimal, Simplified, And Human Strategies In Brave Rats, William A. Medwid
The Effect Of Probiotic Supplementation On Serum Metabolite Concentrations In Young Holstein Heifers, Emily G. Meissner
Scalable Hybrid Neuromorphic Accelerator & Hybrid Neural Networks, Joshua Nardone