Date of Award


Degree Name

MS in Mathematics




College of Science and Mathematics


Ryan Tully-Doyle

Advisor Department


Advisor College

College of Science and Mathematics


This thesis concerns the mathematics and application of various methods for approximating matrices, with a particular eye towards the role that such methods play in image compression. An image is stored as a matrix of values with each entry containing a value recording the intensity of a corresponding pixel, so image compression is essentially equivalent to matrix approximation. First, we look at the singular value decomposition, one of the central tools for analyzing a matrix. We show that, in a sense, the singular value decomposition is the best low-rank approximation of any matrix. However, the singular value decomposition has some serious shortcomings as an approximation method in the context of digital images. The second method we consider is the discrete Fourier transform, which does not require the storage of basis vectors (unlike the SVD). We describe the fast Fourier transform, which is a remarkably efficient method for computing the discrete cosine transform, and how we can use this method to reduce the information in a matrix. Finally, we look at the discrete cosine transform, which reduces the complexity of the calculation further by restricting to a real basis. We also look at how we can apply a filter to adjust the relative importance of the data encoded by the discrete cosine transform prior to compression. In addition, we developed code implementing the ideas explored in the thesis and demonstrating examples.
