Food Science and Nutrition Department faculty have an interest in applied research, which is often done in collaboration with the food industry. Areas of research include everything from the development of new foods to the study of how foods impact health, wellness, and disease prevention.
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Submissions from 2013
Editorial: The Nutrition Transition- The Same, but Different, Aydin Nazmi and C. Monteiro
Submissions from 2012
Seasonality of infant feeding practices in three Brazilian birth cohorts, David A. González-Chica, Helen Gonçalves, Aydin Nazmi, Iná S. Santos, Aluísio J. D. Barros, Alicia Matijasevich, and Cesar G. Victora
Hunger-Free Communities: Characterizing Vulnerable Populations in San Luis Obispo County, Aydin Nazmi and Alexandra Lund
Food fortification improves the intake of all fortified nutrients, but fails to meet the estimated dietary requirements for vitamins A and B6, in lactating South African women, Peggy C. Papathakis and Kerry E. Pearson
Submissions from 2011
Effect of Tannin Additions Postfermentation with Gelatin Remediation in Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon, Briana Heywood and Geraldine S.P. Ritchie
Maternal smoking during pregnancy and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in adulthood, Bernardo Lessa Horta, Denise P. Gigante, Aydin Nazmi, Vera Maria F. Silveira, Isabel Oliveira, and Cesar G. Victora
Submissions from 2010
Empirical Study of Carbon Dioxide Released to the Atmosphere during Commercial Red Grape Fermentation, Steven D. Colome, David M. Goldfarb, Marci Norkin, and Geraldine S. P. Ritchie
Quantifying Dissolved Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in Fermenting Red Musts, David M. Goldfarb, Steven D. Colome, Marci Norkin, and Geraldine S. P. Ritchie
Growth from birth to adulthood and abdominal obesity in a Brazilian birth cohort, D. A. Gonzalez, Aydin Nazmi, and C. G. Victoria
Effect of Bentonite Additions Prior to Fermentation on Protein Stability in Edna Valley Sauvignon blanc, Tymari LoRe, Matthew Brain, and Geraldine S. P. Ritchie
Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Associations of Neighborhood Characteristics with Inflammatory Markers: Findings from the Multi-Ethnic Study Of Atherosclerosis, Aydin Nazmi, Ana Diez Roux, Nalini Ranjit, Teresa E. Seeman, and Nancy S. Jenny
The Influence of Persistent Pathogens on Circulating Levels of Inflammatory Markers: A Cross-Sectional Analysis from the Multi-Ethnic Study Of Atherosclerosis, Aydin Nazmi, Ana V. Diez-Roux, Nancy S. Jenny, Michael Y. Tsai, Moyses Szklo, and Allison E. Aiello
Lifecourse Socioeconomic Trajectories and C-Reactive Protein Levels in Young Adults: Findings from a Brazilian Birth Cohort, Aydin Nazmi; I. O. Oliveira; Bernardo L. Horta; D. P. Gigante; and Cesar G, Victora
How can I estimate when to fortify a fermenting juice to achieve desired sugar and alcohol concentrations?, Geraldine S. P. Ritchie
How can I protect my grapes and juice from spoilage during transport to the winery?, Geraldine S. P. Ritchie
How should I calculate and make additions of grape concentrate to juice, musts and wines?, Geraldine S. P. Ritchie
How should I calculate and make water additions to facilitate the fermentation of red musts?, Geraldine S. P. Ritchie
What is lysozyme and why is it used in Winemaking?, Geraldine S. P. Ritchie
What is saignée and how will it affect my red wine?, Geraldine S. P. Ritchie
Submissions from 2009
The Development and Pilot of a Culinary Intervention Designed Using the Social Cognitive Theory to Teach Nutrition to Adolescent Girls, Julie Chessen, Lisa M. Nicholson, Jeff Sklar, and Ann Yelmokas McDermott
Epidemiology of early and late growth in height, leg and trunk length: findings from a birth cohort of Brazilian males, D. P. Gigante, Aydin Nazmi, R. C. Lima, F. C. Barros, and Cesar G. Victora
Life-course socio-economic factors, skin colour and abdominal obesity in adulthood in a Brazilian birth cohort, David A. Gonzalez, Aydin Nazmi, John S. Yudkin, and Cesar G. Victora
Childhood Poverty and Abdominal Obesity in Adulthood: A Systematic Review, David González, Aydin Nazmi, and Cesar G. Victoria
Submissions from 2008
Correlates of C-reactive protein levels in young adults: a population-based cohort study of 3827 subjects in Brazil, Aydin Nazmi, I. O. Oliveira, and Cesar G. Victora