Architecture Department faculty typically have multiple degrees and 98% are registered or licensed architects. Their robust scholarly agendas give students a unique perspective on the culture, discipline, and profession of architecture.
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Submissions from 2013
Multi-Story Pneumatic Building Revisited, Jens Pohl
Big Data: Immediate Opportunities and Longer Term Challenges, Jens Pohl and Kym Jason Pohl
Submissions from 2012
Review of Richard Longstreth, The American Department Store Transformed, 1920-1960, Bruno Giberti
Submissions from 2011
Crossing the Digital Divide Through Digital Dexterity, Mark Cabrinha
An Intelligent Supply Chain Planning and Execution Environment, Jens Pohl
The Role of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Intuition, Jens Pohl
Intelligent Software for Ecological Building Design, Jens G. Pohl, Hisham Assal, and Kym Jason Pohl
Interview with Alberto Pérez-Gómez, Saundra Weddle and Marc J. Neveu
The Role of History: An Interview with Alberto Pérez-Gómez, Saundra Weddle and Marc J. Neveu
Traditional Chinese and Indian Architecture Compared: Black and White or Shades of Gray?, Christopher Yip
Submissions from 2010
On the Road to Intelligent Web Applications, Hisham Assal, Kym J. Pohl, and Jens G. Pohl
Material Imagination in Digital Culture, Mark Cabrinha
Design Collaboratory (DC), Thomas Fowler
Integrated Project Studio (IPS), Thomas Fowler
Apologues, by Carlo Lodoli, Marc J. Neveu
Architecture Oriented Otherwise, David Leatherbarrow, Marc J. Neveu
la finta pazza di Venexia: Masking, performance and identity in Seventeenth century Venice, Marc J. Neveu
Slow Time: Reading the Work of Scarpa, Marc J. Neveu
Theses of Thesis, Marc J. Neveu
The Space of the Mask: From Stage to Ridotto, Marc J. Neveu
Myron Goldsmith: The Development of the Diagonally Braced Tube, Marc J. Neveu and Edmond P. Saliklis
A Method to Implement Location Transparency in a Web Service Environment, Xiaoshan Pan and Jens G. Pohl