Theses/Project Reports from 2013
A Flyback Inverter Topology Without Electrolytic Input Capacitors As Energy Storage Element, Robert Stefan Baake
Matrix Remodeling Accompanies In Vitro Articular Cartilage Spherical Shaping, Nathan Thomas Balcom
Approximating the Seismic Amplification Effects Experienced by Solar Towers Mounted on the Rooftops of Low-Rise Industrial Buildings, Peter Luiz Balla
High Voltage Pulse Measurement System, Angelo J. Ballungay
U.S. Multinationals Abroad: FDI Determinants in the Global Food Sector, Brandon Charles Banner
Digital Control Board for Phased Array Antenna Beam Steering in Adaptive Communication Applications, Mayur Bansal
Weighing the Financial and Sustainable Benefits of High Performance Structures in Seismically Active Regions, Alia Talina Barajas
Design and Development of a Stair Ascension Assistive Device for Transfemoral Amputees, Casey Michael Barbarino
Identifying Chromosome Rearrangements in the Allopolyploid Brassica napus Using Pyrosequencing, Alexandra R. Barbella
Design and Modeling of Centralized Distribution Network for the DC House Project, Harpreet S. Bassi
Enabling Rapid Conceptual Design Using Geometry-Based Multi-Fidelity Models in Vsp, Joel Brian Belben
The City of Morro Bay, California Sign Ordinance Update and Tourism-Oriented Directional Sign Plan, Erik Berg-Johansen
Cloth Filter for Disaster Relief Water Treatment, Shasta Le'ja Billings
Shark Sim: A Procedural Method of Animating Leopard Sharks Based on Raw Location Data, Katherine S. Blizard
DC, RF, and Thermal Characterization of High Electric Field Induced Degradation Mechanisms in GaN-on-Si High Electron Mobility Transistors, Matthew Anthony Bloom
Carton Clamp Methodologies and the Effects on Load Containment and Retention, Tyler D. Blumer
Calcium Carbonate Particle Size Effects on Titanium Dioxide Light Scattering in Coatings, Jason W. Boke
Early Wildfire Detection Using Temporal Filtering and Multi-Band Infrared Analysis, Ansel John Boynton
What Comes After the Boom? Baby Boomers in Santa Maria, California a Market Study for People's Self Help Housing, Elizabeth Anne Brighton
The Design and Fabrication of an Electrostatically Actuated Diaphragm with a Silicon-on-Insulator Wafer, Elizabeth L. Brooks
Applying Sustainability from a Systems Perspective:, Timothy Brophy
Radiance Caching with Environment Maps, Michael Buerli
A Study to Determine the Agricultural Perceptions of High School Students for the "I Love Farmers…They Feed My Soul!" Organization, Mindy N. Burris
An Assessment of Habitat Suitability for Pronghorn Populations of the Central Valley Region of California, Virginia Burroughs
Design, Fabrication and Test of an Operationally Responsive Aircraft with NIIRS Evaluated Imager, Colin Burt