Theses/Project Reports from 2010
Wave Energy Converter Performance Modeling and Cost of Electricity Assessment, Dmitri Jarocki
Growth Hormone Alters Components Related to Differentiation, Metabolism and Milk Synthesis and Secretion in MAC-T Cells, Tasha Lynn Johnson
Temperature Affects Adhesion of the Acorn Barnacle (Balanus amphitrite), Laurel A. Johnston
Lateral-Torsional Vibration of a Side-Loaded Rotor with Asymmetric Shaft Stiffness, Clinton T. Judd
Consumers and Benefits of Genetically Modified Vegetables, Megan Carter Judge
Water Quality Performance of a Reciprocating Biofilm Reactor for Treatment of Dairy Wastewater, Jason Patrick Kane
Meiotic Insurance: Designing a System to Study Crossover Control in Yeast, Kate V. Karfilis
System Integration and Attitude Control of a Low-Cost Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics Simulator, Ryan L. Kinnett
St. Jude Medical: ST Monitoring, Anna Marie Kinney
Picasso Interface for Horizon Simulation Framework, Brian E. Kirkpatrick
Characterization of Inconel 718: Using the Gleeble and Varestraint Testing Methods to Determine the Weldability of Inconel 718, Nathaniel Oscar Knock
The Design and Manufacture of a Light Emitting Diode Package for General Lighting, Michael S. Krist
Development of a Novel Plasmid-Based Gene Integration System for Lactobacillus reuteri for the Persistent Treatment of Celiac Disease, Jeremy Keith Labarge
A Constant Conduction Angle Biased RF Power Amplifier for Improved Linearization in Class C Operation, Greg Lacaille
Recommendations for Interdisciplinary Design of Buildings and Other Facilities in Rural East Africa, David A. Lambert
Novel Inverse Airfoil Design Utilizing Parametric Equations, Kevin A. Lane
Transportation Energy Analysis for Single-Family Residential Construction in California, Tyler Langley
Effects of Wildland Urban Interface Fuel Treatments on Fire Behavior and Ecosystem Services in the Klamath Mountains of California, Jonathan A. Large
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Post Disaster Surveys, Thor Liland Larsen
Frontal Plane Humeral Elevation Effects on the Pullout Strength of Suture Anchors Used in Rotator Cuff Repair, Peter Joshua Larson
Modeling of a Gyro-Stabilized Helicopter Camera System Using Neural Networks, Nicholas Joseph Layshot
Perceptions and Evaluation of an Urban Environment for Pedestrian Friendliness: A Case Study, Elizabeth H. Lee
Recommender System for Audio Recordings, Jong Seo Lee
Finite Element Modeling of Icd Lead Silicone Soft-Tips, Jose J. Lepe