"Structural Loads and Preliminary Structural Design for a World Speed R" by Matthew G. Slymen

Date of Award


Degree Name

MS in Aerospace Engineering


Aerospace Engineering


College of Engineering


Paulo Iscold

Advisor Department

Aerospace Engineering

Advisor College

College of Engineering


The Cal Poly SLO Turbo-Prop Racer project aims to design a world speed record-breaking aircraft, capable of flying more than 550 miles per hour on a 3-kilometer closed course. To further this endeavor, this thesis presents the calculations of load distributions across the aircraft’s wing and tail and preliminary structural estimates of primary structural components for verification of the loads calculations and for use in a future finite element model. The aircraft’s fundamental design characteristics effect on the structure of the aircraft, namely the unique Y-tail design, are first examined. Then, loads are calculated in accordance with the regulation dictated by CS-23. Maneuvering loads, gust loads, ground loads, and engine loads are calculated through the Vortex-Lattice Method and CS-23 to provide input for detailed structural analysis. Structural thickness estimates are found using simplified analytical stress analysis. The wing and tail’s primary spars’ spar-caps and shear-webs, the wing and tail skins, and the rear fuselage are all calculated. The loads and thicknesses found are shown to be within order of reason and to support the fundamental design characteristics of the aircraft, pushing the project to continue toward its goal.
